However, what gets me... is how anyone who's apparently so hooked into OTHERS, can find so much to write about herSELF. Namely, me. Like in this blog. I just never seem to run out of things to write about. Which is why I'm thinking, I must be THE most self involved woman walking the face of the earth. Which in reality, is SO not me.
Further, I not only find hordes of things about myself to write, BUT, I wind up loving almost every entry I add. How's THAT for conceit?? Honestly, I sometimes sit here, go through the past entries and geez... laugh right out loud! Like I'm reading some one ELSE'S writings. And, pretty damn entertaning ones, too. Case in point, my two all time favorite entries are from 2006. One is entitled: FROM MALIBU TO MELIBU and the other is: I SO LOVE THIS. Every time I reread these, I get so tickled, that it wreaks of egomania.
Maybe I need to go to a support group. HI, MY NAME IS LINDA AND I'M SIMPLY WILD ABOUT MYSELF. Oh... and in case you are all wondering, I HAVE NO INTENTION OF CHANGING. Yuh, I'd LOVE to see the looks on everyone's faces when I make THAT announcment. I'm assuming their comeback will be along the lines of: HI LINDA, WELCOME. NOW... GET THE HELL OUT OF HERE.
And, being pretty obedient, I guess I would. I suspect the good news is, that while I am very much attuned to all the extraordinarily wonderful things about me, I'm also extremely honest regarding what SUCKS about me. Trust me... I'm my own worst critic. I have a REALLY clear picture of just where my faults lie. However, please don't point them out to me. Because unfortuately, I'm WAY too sensitive thus I cry very easily. Not often, mind you, but easily nonetheless.
Oh... and lastly, get this. The one trait I simply DETEST in others?? You guessed it... EGOMANIA! Go figure.
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