Which leads me to think:
1.) tell everyone I know and love goodbye, it was nice knowing you, I don't want to die, but any day now could be my last... and...
2.) forget saving money... I might as well spend every cent I have NOW to buy whatever tickles my fancy, since I won't be around much longer anyway. I will apparently NEVER live long enough to receive monies from my IRA. At least, not without a penalty.
Everyone who knows me well, knows I have a long list of fears. I hate driving in thunderstorms, will not fly during afternoon hours when thunderstorms are brewing, hate heights, have NEVER considered roller coasters safe let alone, fun, am afraid I won't find a bathroom in time and lastly, hate all sorts of air travel from hand gliding to high powered jets. Although, I did once discover a cure for my flying... go first class. Put me in a turbulent sky and bingo. I'm popping Ativan like no tomorrow. But, put me in first class and I'm handling turbulence like a breeze.
Now, however, I have to add Iran to my list of fears and according to the guy on TV, it should be, without a doubt, #1 on the list. What the hell is the world coming to?? Supposedly, in a nutshell, Iran's thinking is: by killing everyone on earth, it will hasten the coming of their Messiah, so killing the entire world is a good thing, which is why suicide is so noble. In addition, Iranians are the ONLY peoples worthy of life. Everyone else has got to be exterminated.
Seriously... Iran is so out to get us. Way more than all the other nut jobs. And, according to TV, our President and our government are only into reactionary measures; absolutely not, no way, not even CLOSE to preventative measures. Case in point: there is no reason to even consider not bringing body lotion on a plane when there is absolutely nothing being done about THROROUGHLY checking and rechecking the cargo loads on each plane. But, trust me. As soon as the next plane explodes, only to find that the bomb got by the almost non-existent cargo check point, THEN the government will conclude: uh, duh. Gee, guess we better put some work into the cargo docks, afterall.
Therefore, with that in mind, I feel really, really badly about this, but I better say good bye now, since my days are numbered and I have no clue if I'll ever get a chance to say it later. It was definitely nice knowing you. On the other hand, as my sister told me today... Good news! I now no longer have reason to be afraid of the Bird Flu. Talk about a silver lining.
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