In fact, I've only shared my bed three times in past 10 years. Once was when my brother died and Barbara stayed with me for almost a month. I even gave her MY side of the bed, given my heart ached not only for myself, but for her, as well. The second time was with my son, who slept there to kindly comfort me the night my mother passed away. And that was only because I had awakened in the middle of the night, so startled by something that it scared the f-ing sh%t out of me. Bingo. I needed a big muscle man to protect me, and my son was the closest guy available. Besides, up until about the age of four, I've already fallen asleep lying right next to him, plenty of times. Apparently reading bedtime stories did the trick for BOTH of us. And while I continued to read to him each night until the age of 10, maybe, his twin sized bed no longer housed the two of us. The third time(s) is well... sorry. It's kinda none of your business.
In the meantime, it's too bad more of you can't sleep next to me. I don't hog the covers. I don't snore. I don't flail all around. I don't keep you up with lights and TV. But MORE importantly, and the whole point of this entry is, it's too bad you're not there to awaken with me each morning as the sun rises. I am so telling you... lying there in bed, watching the sun rise, has got to be one of THE most beautiful sights ever. Especially if you time it just right, whereby it's still dark outside yet the striking, brilliant red and orange colors are just beginning to peak over the skyline, amid the trees and mountains. Talk about a Kodak moment! It's simply beautiful.
I also love hearing the all the morning birds chirp right outside my windows, which by the way, they're now doing like crazy, given Spring is here. There is no way you can wake up and not want to thank God that you're alive to witness some of his best creations. Of course, I'm not advocating that sunrise is the time to actually wake up and get OUT OF BED. Merely, it's simply a sight to behold and THEN... go right smack back to sleep again.
Until, assuming you're one of the LUCKY ones, shall we say, I bring you breakfast in bed. And the morning newspaper, too. Of course, that's the good news. The bad news is you'll then have to see what I look like when I wake up. Trust me... SO not a Kodak moment!
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