He turned 25, and as I do each birthday, I quizzed him on the details of his birth. How much did you weigh? What time were you born? Who was the first to hold you? Who was your baby nurse? At what age did you begin to walk? Etc. Etc. And naturally, I like ending the quiz with: Oh, and... how much PAIN you think I endured for your ceasarian delivery? I kinda like throwing in that last question just for good measure.
Which is why when I called him to extend my love and birthday wishes, I began the conversation by simply stating: Oh, by the way... it's not about YOU. Instead, it's all about ME!
How's that for a Mother's Love? But, knowing me as he does, and knowing I adore the ground he walks upon, my son merely laughed and quickly caught on, agreeing how right I was, given I was the one who actually GAVE BIRTH! Yes... my kid is now 25 and elegible for lower car insurance rates. But also, I HAVE NOW BEEN A MOTHER FOR A QUARTER OF A CENTURY!
Now THAT'S an accomplishment. Especially, since beginning with the day my son first began to speak, he MUCH preferred calling all the shots regarding how his life as a minor was/was not going to be run. Have any idea how much energy I've expended these past 25 years correcting his false expectations? Trust me... A LOT. On the other hand, he's caused me almost no heart ache. Thus... bonus points for my kid.
It was when he turned 21 that I eased up a bit on the reins. It was when he graduated from college that I gave up the reins altogether. Now, all I have to do is, sit back, watch how my son rewards me with the life he'll choose to live while I gloat with pride. Well, unless he makes some stupid ass decision that completely F's up all my hard, dedicated work.
In which case, I'll naturally still be his mother. Just a pretty ticked off one. Yet, if the next 25 years are anything like the past 25, well... I'll be a blessed mother, indeed. Happy Birthday to my son. And of course... Happy Birth Day to ME.
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