Today, I'm STILL steamed at Nutri System. But for a whole new reason. NOW, they have Dan Marino, thrilled to no end that he's back at his playing weight. That's the good part. (afterall, he IS an excellent specimen to look at) The bad part is that Danny has included a bunch of his cronies who have lost weight, and thus are part of his commerical. Amongst his pals is a guy named John Kruk. John is okay. It's his WIFE who should be shot.
Somehow Nutri System and John thought it would be a good idea to throw in the tag line whereby John says, and I quote: "My wife says I'm not as disgusting to her as I used to be!"
WHAT?? THAT'S A WAY FOR A WIFE TO SPEAK OF HER HUBAND? Or, ANY spouse to speak of the other?? My God... THAT'S HORRIBLE! Not to mention, just plain mean! I swear, the first time I heard this, I couldn't beLIEVE my ears!! What the hell could the advertising team be thinking?? They saw this as a GOOD way to sell their product?? I'd fire the team in a second!
To my way of thinking, I'll just f-ing BET the wife finds John, all of a sudden her darling husband, no longer disgusting. Not since he's NOW bringing home a pretty hefty pay check from all the advertising residuals! I'm thinking: she's gotta be on cloud nine no matter HOW John's looking lately. Hopefully kissing his ever lovin' feet, too, by the way. How DARE she tell her hubby he looks so disgusting?? Honey, if THAT'S what you're thinking, I have one word for you: divorce. Of course, that'll mean the NEW love of his life might get a cut of the action, but whatever.
Anyway, forget the creepy wife. That John himSELF is chuckling as he repeats this line to the entire world, is pretty shameful as well. Were it me, and my husband said that, I'D NEVER admit to such on television. AND, I'd tell the script writers YOU'RE NUTS. No WAY I'm saying that!! Lordy... have some pride, John. Not just for the weight loss, but more importantly... for way your wife speaks to you, too!
In the meantime, once again, Nutri System is on my sh^t list. Of course, as always, ALL weight loss programs are on that list, but that's just me. Bottom line: Nutri System should hire ME for commercial concepts. For SURE I can come up with creativity, reality AND acceptability. Well, maybe.
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