Apparently I adore films aimed at 16 year old immature boys. Some standard, huh? For instance, I'm the only woman my age to adore Jack Black. And, in particular, Jack Black in SCHOOL OF ROCK. I found Jack to be a guy with one hell of a hilarious outlook on life in this film. Bear in mind, however, I amuze easily. I'm also a major fan of THE 40 YEAR OLD VIRGIN. I roared while watching this and... I watched it plenty of times.
As of today, I have to add yet another crazy ass movie to my list of FILMS FOR LOSERS. I was doing laundry, and was headed to begin giving myself a manicure, when I began channel surfing for a movie to play in the background. Nothing struck my fancy until I got to HBO, which was running a movie that I had never before heard of. Let alone seen. Enter: GRANDMA'S BOY. Is THIS ever a film for losers. YOU would hate it. I, of course, loved it. Go figure. In fact, here's a review quote I found on the internet: "A gross-out comedy that’s more gross than comedic, Grandma’s Boy is lazy and unrewarding."
See? I TOLD you it was a loser.
That not withstanding however, I couldn't help but chuckle right out loud. I'm a sucker for cheap thrills, I guess. No wonder... 20 minutes into the film, the star gets into a compromising situation that I'm too embarrassed to even describe for you. Suffice it to say, the guy is caught by his friend's mother during his private moments in the bathroom. YOU would have been disgusted. I was doing a belly laugh. Doris Roberts was the Grandmother and Shirely Jones was her roomate. As for the other stars in the film, I have NO clue whatsover who they might be. Including the leading role of the BOY.
Consequently, my best advice is:Don't ever go by me when it comes to reviewing films. I'm a loser. Although... you can take it to the bank that CASABLANA and AN AFFAIR TO REMEMBER are by FAR the best love stories ever. Then again, so is GONE WITH THE WIND.
That not withstanding however, I couldn't help but chuckle right out loud. I'm a sucker for cheap thrills, I guess. No wonder... 20 minutes into the film, the star gets into a compromising situation that I'm too embarrassed to even describe for you. Suffice it to say, the guy is caught by his friend's mother during his private moments in the bathroom. YOU would have been disgusted. I was doing a belly laugh. Doris Roberts was the Grandmother and Shirely Jones was her roomate. As for the other stars in the film, I have NO clue whatsover who they might be. Including the leading role of the BOY.
Consequently, my best advice is:Don't ever go by me when it comes to reviewing films. I'm a loser. Although... you can take it to the bank that CASABLANA and AN AFFAIR TO REMEMBER are by FAR the best love stories ever. Then again, so is GONE WITH THE WIND.
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