

I am sort of on cloud nine. I can't believe it, but get this... I was just at the doctor's for a check up and lo and behold... I'VE LOST 12 LBS IN ABOUT THE LAST 12 MONTHS! Geez... this is DEFINITELY a miracle. Mainly because, while everyone else I know is working like hell to diet and lose weight, I on the other hand, have basically only KIND OF watched myself, but having never for even a moment, given up any my favorites.

Which means, whenever dining out, I've ordered any little thing my heart desired and almost always ended the meal with some sort of a sweet dessert. And, I don't mean fruit, either! It was much more along the lines of, shall we say, CHOCOLATE MOUSSE, CHOCOLATE LAYER CAKE WITH KILLER BUTTERCREAM FROSTING, or even maybe A SUNDAE WITH FUDGE. Now THIS is what I call a diet! Okay, Okay.... for the first time ever, I've added cottage cheese and yogurt to my staples, and even apples and grapefruit. But STILL I find this event a major feat... unless of course, I'm dying of some crazy disease which I don't yet know about. And actually, that's just how I'm going to remain... happily in the dark, not ever knowing, since I am definitely forgoing all investigation into any possible death related causes. Geez... why ruin a perfectly happy life actually SEARCHING for a reason to turn my entire world upside down, if you catch my drift.

As it happens, I don't think I'll have to count on dying any time soon after all, since get this... my blood pressure was 104 over 68 today. I think that's a pretty decent reading, if my medical degree serves me correctly. Yippee! I'm guessing no strokes. And, hopefully, no heart attacks, either. If all this points directly back to my yoga sessions, then I'm so telling you... it's the easiest way on earth to 1.) become really really flexible 2.) take off some unwanted pounds and 3.) get a sort of body sculpture going. As in: beginnings of a waist line. What a deal!

Which is pretty good, since trust me... I am SO not into depriving myself. In fact, to celebrate this good news... as we speak, I'm munching on a Bite Size Snickers Bar. Now, I think the next thing I have to address is: drinking Caffeine Free Diet Coke instead of the regular caffeinated kind. Now THAT'S an addiction! And, while I SO hate depriving myself of the things I love, I think I just may have to give it a stab. Here goes nothing...

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