Actually, I was able to spell the practice round just fine... Grievance, Reactant, Plutonion, Cacophony, Abysmal, and Rambunctiously. After that, I was in Dumb Ass Heaven. The only word that MAYBE I might have figured out was: Acetaminophen. Although they should have just said: Tylenol. THAT I'd have gotten in a flash. All the other words were strictly for Albert Einstein, NASA hard core scientific specialists and etymologists of the highest degree ALL ROLLED INTO ONE.
Regardless, I had a great time tonight. Especially when they called out the numbers for the Door Prize. GUESS WHO WON A $25 GIFT CERTIFICATE?? Bingo. ME!! Kinda like the gift certificates I won last summer in a gift basket, totaling about $400. Also kinda like the photography portrait I won a few summers ago at a Brandeis University Women's Luncheon. Somehow God loves raining great gifts down upon me.
The other part of the evening I loved was when a photographer came up to me and said: Hi. I'm from the TIMES-NEWS and I took a shot of you when you were cheering. Can I have the correct spelling of you name in case we use it tomorrow's edition? UH... SURE YOU CAN! I LOVE being famous!! I didn't have to take even one half breath before I was spitting out L-I-N-D-A etc. etc.
Can you just IMAGINE how early I'll be up in the morning to see if, in fact, I'm pictured?? I may even have to be sitting on my doorstep, bright and early, eagerly awaiting the 5:00 a.m delivery! Believe me... if I'm in the newspaper, I'll DEFINITELY be tap dancing all over the place. Spelled: D-E-L-I-G-H-T-E-D.
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