The Vatican on the other hand, has a whole different view. THAT limbo refers to the state of an unbaptized child for instance, who remains in said state should they have died without ever having first been baptized. Now THERE'S a concept that throws me for a loop. What the hell religion would advocate precious little newborns having been born in Original Sin? Besides, for all we know, the people who actually proCREATED the child, were maybe themSELVES, involved in some mighty heated sin for a brief, happy half hour, let's say. Regardless... the unbaptized child can go neither to heaven nor to hell. Rather, he/she is to remain in a state of limbo.
WHAT? GIVE ME A BREAK, HERE. First of all, the infant can't possibly be responsible for this particular shall we say: sins of their fathers. And/or mothers. Thus, to my way of thinking, what's with this whole idea of coming into the world born in sin? Way outta line, if you ask me. Secondly, if ANYone's entitled to go to a Garden of Eden way up in the heavenly beyond, surely it's an infant child.
Of course, no one ever has ASKED my opinion, so granted, mine makes absolutely no difference whatsoever to anyone on the face of the planet. But... LOTS of people have asked the Vatican. And NOW, after centuries and centuries, guess what? NO MORE LIMBO FOR BABIES. Apparently the Pope has re-thought all this and decided to forgo the living in limbo bit. Thank God.
Now, I am sure many folks won't be too happy with my thoughts on Catholicism so to those who adore this religion, I respectfully offer my apologies for this blog. Believe me... I remember well every Friday in my public schools days whereby fish was the only entree on the menu. Uh... that's changed now, too, hasn't it? And, frankly, I've yet to know any Catholic female who doesn't practice some form of birth control, but so be it. And, don't even get me started on teen aged boys who I am SURE fell madly in love with masturbation lickety split. Aren't those sins, too? EEKS. EVERYone's going to hell, I guess.
Except those in Limbo, of course. Now... I'm happy to say... THOSE people have gotten a free pass right smack up to Heaven. As for those who SHOULD go to hell, by the way, I actually have a personal list from here to clear across town of those who might qualify. In fact, I've often REQUESTED they go. As in: F you. Drop dead. Eat s*%@. And... go to hell.
WHAT? GIVE ME A BREAK, HERE. First of all, the infant can't possibly be responsible for this particular shall we say: sins of their fathers. And/or mothers. Thus, to my way of thinking, what's with this whole idea of coming into the world born in sin? Way outta line, if you ask me. Secondly, if ANYone's entitled to go to a Garden of Eden way up in the heavenly beyond, surely it's an infant child.
Of course, no one ever has ASKED my opinion, so granted, mine makes absolutely no difference whatsoever to anyone on the face of the planet. But... LOTS of people have asked the Vatican. And NOW, after centuries and centuries, guess what? NO MORE LIMBO FOR BABIES. Apparently the Pope has re-thought all this and decided to forgo the living in limbo bit. Thank God.
Now, I am sure many folks won't be too happy with my thoughts on Catholicism so to those who adore this religion, I respectfully offer my apologies for this blog. Believe me... I remember well every Friday in my public schools days whereby fish was the only entree on the menu. Uh... that's changed now, too, hasn't it? And, frankly, I've yet to know any Catholic female who doesn't practice some form of birth control, but so be it. And, don't even get me started on teen aged boys who I am SURE fell madly in love with masturbation lickety split. Aren't those sins, too? EEKS. EVERYone's going to hell, I guess.
Except those in Limbo, of course. Now... I'm happy to say... THOSE people have gotten a free pass right smack up to Heaven. As for those who SHOULD go to hell, by the way, I actually have a personal list from here to clear across town of those who might qualify. In fact, I've often REQUESTED they go. As in: F you. Drop dead. Eat s*%@. And... go to hell.
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