

1.) Meet friends for Sunday brunch; HUGE hailstones pelt roof of restaurant.
2.) Come home; happily listen to Faith Hill's BREATHE on computer.
3.) Unhappily freak when boom! Computer dies.
4.) Realize ALL power has vanished from the city.
5.) Quickly consider buying a gun to shoot myself.
6.) Take a shower, while hot water is still an option.
7.) Watch 60-70 mph winds swirling all around outdoors.
8.) Say to self: Toto, I've got a feeling we're not in Kansas anymore.
9.) Head to freezer to grab and Oreo.
10.) Plug in land line telephone. (I know this drill by heart, now)
11.) Gather materials for work next day.
12.) Begin to F-ing freeze to death as temps begin falling.
13.) Take 1/2 Ativan (I know this drill by heart, now)
14.) Decide to sleep at Susan's so I won't die alone.
15.) Do yoga session to calm myself. (doesn't really work)
16.) Wake up frozen to death; dress for work in semi darkness.
17.) Go to school; continue to freeze to death; early dismissal.
18.) Come home, build fire, for inadequate heat.
19.) Bring in plants and flying items from front porch.
20.) Grab phone book to find local gun shop listings.
21.) Realize fire's heat is for
22.) Shower with whatever minimal hot water is left.
23.) Eat every single bit of crapola I can possibly find.
24.) Freeze to death; screw doing yoga for the day.
25.) Listen to evening news on portable TV.
26.) Immediately proceed to break TV's antenna.
27.) Swear like a sailor; wished gun shop were still open.
28.) Head to Susan's once again; sleep on floor in front of fire.
29.) Use flashlight 3x to find bathroom.
30.) Wake up early; YIPPEE! Schools are closed.
31.) Begin 3rd day of no power.
32.) Come home to find land line phone not operating.
33.) Really pissed now, that it's too early to call gun shop.
34.) Freeze to death.
35.) Spend 1 hour on cell phone with BellSouth; told they'll be out in 5 days.
36.) Alert painter kitchen will have to be painted sans power.
37.) Decide to meet friends for lunch; had no real meal in DAYS.
38.) Build new inadequate fire; cell phone dying from no charging.
39.) Shooting myself takes back seat to dealing with anxiety attack.
40.) House looks like disaster area; missed Sopranos AND it's rerun.
41.) Quickly becoming a raving lunatic.
42.) READY FOR NUT HOUSE; get call that my Dad has fallen; congested heart failure.
43.) Head to hospital.
44.) Power FINALLY restored. Don't ask.

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