

First of all, I thought this past August would NEVER end. I remember thinking: I swear to God... there are 15 weeks in the month this year!! Oh man... the month just went on and on and on.

It wasn't the same for January through May, though, because that was when my kid moved back home for five months. Now THAT I loved. I especially loved May for reasons that are no one's business. Same thing for October and November, now that I think about it.

December on the other hand has been kinda blah. It's been a long time since I felt like I had lost the holiday spirit, but bingo. 2011 felt just that. Oh yeah... now I remember. June and July were no picnic either.

So basically, I'm thinking: thank God this year is over. Which is too bad, since this time next year, supposedly EVERYTHING will be over. As in: the Mayan calendar. I decided yesterday that maybe next year I'll host a New Year Eve's party so I can say goodbye to all my friends and family in one fell swoop.

Then again, I'm in good health, my son's in good health, I've got a roof over my head, a couple of bucks in the bank and plenty of food to down anytime I feel like it. I don't even have any debt which trust me, puts me WAY ahead of 95% of everyone else on this planet right now. So what the hell do I have to bitch about, anyway??

Besides, I'm dolled up, ready to go to see MARILYN and then enjoy a fantastic meal at Ruth's Chris Steak House. A couple of glasses of champagne in me and boom. I'll be kissing 2011 good bye forever. As for 2012?? Oh man... I can't even iMAGine what's down the road for me. I just pray it's fantastic. I could so use an incredible year.

I'll want to slit my wrists of course, should we wind up with a Republican president, however. And with that cheery thought... HAPPY NEW YEAR, EVERYONE! Here goes nothing.

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