Case in point: I GOT A JOB!! Finally!! I've been sending out applications, applying for positions, reading the classifieds, waiting for decisions, whatever, for over a year now. I become a blond and boom! Right out of the blue, I get a call asking me to work at a school 4 mins. from my house, 4 days a week, 5 hours a day. GOD SUDDENLY DECIDED TO SMILE DOWN UPON ME?? Apparently so!
Another case in point: I was called for Jury Duty this week. OH GOD, PLEASE DON'T LET ME BE SELECTED! Such was the prayer I was reciting as I literally walked into the Courthouse. I had important alternate plans that I REALLY wanted to opt for and Jury Duty simply wasn't in the game plan. ONCE AGAIN... God decided to smile down upon me. HOW LUCKY CAN I GET?? A sheer miracle.
Yet another case in point: Uh... Sorry. No can do.
Last case in point: This afternoon I was waiting for Claudia outside a store, and while she was shopping, I comfortably parked myself on a comfy outdoor bench. The day was beautiful and the weather was stunning. Thus, it didn't take but minutes for this perfectly attractive gentleman to come sit down beside me. He's over sixty; perfect. He's also got a terrific smile and football physique; again, perfect. We started chit chatting and had a great time shooting the breeze. After about 5 minutes, a very pretty woman comes up to me and says: SEE? I LEAVE HIM ALONE FOR A SECOND AND ALREADY HE'S SITTING NEXT TO A BEAUTIFUL BLOND! To which I of course, replied: Well to tell you the truth... this has been blond but for only a week and indeed... I'm having more fun! The lady laughed and queried about my many OTHER pick ups, so I felt mildy obligated to let her know the only one that stands out as a possibility was the waiter who told me how much he liked my perfume. He liked it even better after I leaned in, giving him a closer treat, but so be it.
Anyway... it seems as if being blond is turning out to be a good thing. In fact, my luck is going so beautifully as a blond, that I actually went out to buy a lottery ticket yesterday. Hey... I'm on a roll, aren't I? I haven't checked my winnings yet, but you can be sure... should I win, YOU'LL KNOW ALL ABOUT IT.
Geez... I can hardly wait for Week Two of Living Blond. For all we know, maybe I'll be married!
Anyway... it seems as if being blond is turning out to be a good thing. In fact, my luck is going so beautifully as a blond, that I actually went out to buy a lottery ticket yesterday. Hey... I'm on a roll, aren't I? I haven't checked my winnings yet, but you can be sure... should I win, YOU'LL KNOW ALL ABOUT IT.
Geez... I can hardly wait for Week Two of Living Blond. For all we know, maybe I'll be married!
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