I couldn't believe it. In the mirror, was the reflection of... I swear to God... a person who actually looked like a normal misses' sized woman! WHAT A F-ing miracle!! ME?? SHOP IN THE MISSY DEPTARTMENT?? Just can't BE! Jesus... if only I weren't expecting someone to stop by in a little while, I'd run right outta here and buy a multi million dollar wardrobe, all in a size 12. Well, okay... 14. Still... either my mirror is totally playing a mean joke on me or I'VE DIED AND GONE TO HEAVEN.
As if that's not enough, get this... ANOTHER miracle also happened today. It began the other night when I had lit a candle on the mantle above the fireplace. The candle is held in a holder about a 30 inches tall. Thus, a LOT of care needs to be taken when raising/lowering melting candles. Uh... unfortunately I didn't take ENOUGH care. Next thing I know ALL THE HOT WAX CAME STREAMING DOWN THE ENTIRE FRONT OF MY FAVORITE BLACK KNIT SHIRT. I held my panic mode to a minimum, but still, I could tell this wasn't a good thing. The heat was no problem, but the hardened yellow wax covering my shirt was FAR from an added touch to the preceding stylin' look. Enter: dilemma. What to do next?? I could go on and on about the details of my deciding what I should do to save this adored garment, but suffice it to say, the shirt wound up in my freezer. I did in fact make some mild progress in peeling away the frozen wax, but in no time, I could see I was getting no where fast. IDEA FLASH: I went to the internet; Googled REMOVE WAX FROM CLOTHING.
Boom. In a mere instant, I had my solution! HINTS FROM LINDA: Get a hot iron. Place a paper towel atop the waxed area. Iron. BINGO. WAX IS LIFTED FROM CLOTHING. It was a sheer miracle, definitely bordering on astounding! See?? Being hot and heated is not JUST about looking foxy... apparently it's also about being miraculous!
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