

Man, am I steaming. I can't believe the f-ing hassle I'm having just to return two damn items via UPS. You would think it'd take one lousy call to schedule a pickup and boom. It would be over. But, NOOOOOOOO. It's gotta be fifteen calls to the company to which I'm mailing these return packages and then 12 calls to UPS, themselves.

Jesus... it's way too early in the morning for this crap, too. And here I was, thinking I'd start my day bright and early, happy and produtive... boom. In one mere hour and a half, my entire day is f-ed up. I'm in a crappy mood thanks to this hassle and I sorta feel like eating an entire batch of brownies to make it all better. Now THERE'S a remedy, if ever there was.

As if this hassle isn't enough, I also decided I'm sick and tired of all this automated B.S. in the first place. Where are all THE REAL PEOPLE?? Why can't I just tell them what I need, they say SURE and bingo... I'm a happy camper. Job done. Half the time, I can't even figure out my new fancy, schmancy cell phone. I have no clue what to do when there's a call waiting, how to get directly to a number in the calling list without scrolling down 400 numbers, blah, blah, blah. The list goes on and on. Even my iTunes library is giving me hassles. Another story, altogether. Oh yeah... I just popped three peanut M&M's in my mouth. That outta help.

So basically, I'm off to start my day. Let one person piss me off and ZING... I may have to let them have it. Too bad you can't spend the day with ME today, huh? Man, I'd be a barrel of fun.

Whew. I've let off steam. Okay... maybe I can now go back to the ever loving, easy going, always smiling lady that I am. Or... maybe not. I sorta like this bitching bit. It cleanses the soul.

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