1.) I am taking a hiatus from hosting my weekly KnitWits group. Every Tuesday night for the past three years, any where from 5-15 women would join me for a few hours as we nibbled, gossiped and knitted. It was a great way to spend a Tuesday evening. We celebrated birthdays, we made beautiful scarves, sweaters, hats and whatever else someone wanted. The prize for finishing a project was a trip to my candy bar dish where the KnitWit could chose a chocolate candy of their choice. We even debated at times, but most of all, we laughed. Then, last week, for some unknown reason, right out of the blue, I decided I was ready for a hiatus. NEWS ALERT: DON'T SHOW UP NEXT TUESDAY. I'll probably be in a luxurious bubble bath sipping some fine champagne, perhaps. Well, okay... probably diet coke.
2.) I am back into my daily practice of yoga. I love how I feel during my yoga routine and even more, I love how I feel when I've completed a session. I love the peace and calm yoga brings to me but most of all, I love knowing I can bend over and wrap my hands around my ankles with straightened knees. It lets me pretend I'm as flexible as any modern day teen. My other favorite position is sitting on bended knees, with my full weight resting the heels of my feet . I call it my Geisha Girl Pose.
3.) I decided to once again begin testing my blood sugar which is something I never do, regardless of doctor's orders. Boy, is SHE going to be surprised. I am normally a pretty lazy patient thus following doctor's orders usually go only as far as popping a pill to make myself feel better. As in: pain killers, antibiotics, allergy pills and of course the occasional anti-anxiety med. Any medical order that consists of nothing more than swallowing a small pill for a big result, is my kind of modern medicine.
4.) The last decision I made was done so while at a party a couple of days ago. I was having a great time, hanging with good friends and munching on delicious food. So good, in fact, that it took but maybe an hour or so when, boom. My ultra sensitive digestive system kicked in. Enter: Bathroom visit. While in this very nice bathroom, I was looking around and eeeks. What should I see? A HUGE UPRIGHT BATHROOM SCALE!! What?? People actually go out of their way to uh... get weighed??? Are they crazy?? Who on earth would ever want to KNOW such information?? It was then and there that I made my final decision: these friends... people whom I simple adore... must be absolutely full blown masochists! WHO KNEW? Folks actually WANT to check out their weight?? Jesus. In my book, that's just plain CRAZY! And, hopefully, being crazy is waaaay better than being masochistic.