The equipment arrived yesterday and today, thanks to Claudia and Barbara, I'm back in the real world. Trust me... it took the three of us to do it, but do it we did. Actually, the computer installation was no real problem. Much more, was the fanagling of the wires, rearranging outlets, adding splicers, etc. BUT... it's a done deal now and boy am I thrilled.
Already, I checked out photo albums from family celebrations, watched a bunch of Elton John music videos and even uploaded a bunch of files in mere seconds. Even posting a new blog entry was done in NO TIME at all. I just can't believe this. Am telling you... if now, the billing from Cingular and Direct TV reflect the new discounted charges, I'll be on a major roll. THANK YOU GOD FOR GIVING ME THE GIFT OF SPEED.
Of course, now all that's left, is to figure out how to send/receive faxes via my computer. HA. Now THERE'S a challenge if ever there was!
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