The 65th Birthday Celebrations in this beautiful, small town are always sure to be a big bash. Some invite LOTS of people. Some have smaller gatherings. Some have their parties at fancy restaurants while others enjoy a wonderful party at home. But whichever they choose, you can always be sure that the Birthday Boy or Girl is wearing a BIGGGG, happy smile. Why, you ask??
Well, for many reasons, actually. But probably the REAL reason these boys and girls are dancing all around is that FINALLY... THEY NO LONGER NEED TO PAY FOR HIGH COST MEDICAL INSURANCE POLICIES! YIPPPEE! THEY ARE NOW ACTUALLY TRUE-BLUE MEDICARE RECIEPIENTS!!
Now... some of the people in this town have been on Medicare for years already. Others are counting the days until they qualify. But regardless of when it happens, the momentous 65th Birthday always bring about the same reaction. DANCING IN THE STREET. CRAZY GRINS ON THEIR FACES. Sometimes, even sarcastic jokes, all the while ripping up medical bills right smack in front of your face. NOW, THE BOYS AND GIRLS CAN SPEND THEIR MONIES ON SOMETHING FUN instead of the rising costs of modern medicine! Like cruises, maybe. Visiting the grandchildren perhaps. Or large, expensive golfing communities, even.
YEA! everyone likes to shout. LET'S HEAR IT FOR MEDICARE! LET'S TAKE OUR SAVED MEDICAL MONIES AND LAUGH ALL THE WAY TO THE BANK. Oh how lucky the town was feeling. Well... until about 4 months ago, anyway.
First there was Sherry. She had her arm put in a cast. Then, finally her knee in a brace. Then Susan cried out in pain one day. She now wears a leg brace, using her cane. Even Marlene has a foot all wrapped up. And, who could forget about Teddi, whose hand has a thumb in a brace, pointing almost straight up to the sky! Wait... what about Vicky who, for the past 3 years, has been walking in an open toed cast after having two surgeries on her foot? Oh my. The list just keeps growing and growing. Sue, Jay, Babe and Peggy. Every Tom, Dick and Harry, too.
But alas, all these people in the happy little town are still wearing a smile. Yes, even though the doctor's offices are run by little mechanical elves and the doctors have no clue of exactly how to ease the pains, the smiling townspeople keep plugging along. Oh sure, some days are better than others. And some boys and girls heal faster than others. But through it all, Medicare is picking up the bill. HIP, HIP, HOORAY! HIP, HIP, HOORAY!
Even the doctors in the town are shouting out in glee. Well, why not? THEY are the ones being PAID to replace all these hips! Or knees. Or hearing aids. Or eyeglasses. Or, you name it. They're fixing it.
Gee.... isn't it fun being 65???
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