I long ago gave up fretting whenever these mysteries occurred. Instead, I developed a two fold strategy in dealing with them: 1.) I looked absolutely everywhere for the item. More than once, but never more than three times. Then, I gave up and 2.) announced to my housekeeper, "Here we go again. We have another mystery!" In the past 35 years I've had oh... maybe 5 or 6 housekeepers, let's say. Every one of them came to know exactly what those words meant. Because immediately AFTER my announcement, the very next sentence out of my mouth was, "My (so and so) is gone, so if you find it, YOU GET A PRIZE! YIPPEE! It worked like a charm 35 years ago. It works like a charm to this day. I lose something. I announce the latest mystery. I promise a prize when it's found. And Bingo! The next thing you know, I'm off to the store, selecting a reward. End of mystery. It's a fabulous method for retrieving absolutely anything that suddenly develops legs and walks away.
Hence, I've discovered that incentives/briberies/prizes are good things. Kind of like a Win/Win Situation for all parties involved. Which is where you come in. I NEED YOUR HELP. I'LL GIVE YOU A PRIZE. A REALLY GOOD ONE, TOO!
I've decided I'd like my Blog to become famous. I also decided there is no way I can do it alone. Enter: YOU! I'm thinking that, if every person I know, reads my blog and then sends the link to every person THEY know, sooner or later, the Blog will be read by SOMEone who can make me famous! Ex: Your cousin Clive knows Margery, the lady down the street, who's sister now works for Rosanna, who once answered the phones at DoubleDay when Jackie Kennedy was an editor, and who also had an illicit affair with Myron, the Go-To guy at the Village Voice. You send Myron my blog link, he then reads it and NEXT THING WE KNOW, HE MAKES ME FAMOUS!! Talk about thrilling!! And, more importantly, talk about WHAT A GREAT PRIZE YOU'LL GET!! A REALLY STUPENDOUS ONE! I promise!!
So... here's my request/plea to you, my reader. Please send the link to my Blog... Blog Heaven... to everyone you ever met; and please tell them to send it to everyone THEY ever met. Then.... let's just sit back and see exactly how long it takes to make me famous! And... let's see exactly WHICH ONE of my friends will be responsible for turning me into one hell of a famous woman! Easy enough? You bet it is... so RIGHT NOW... drag/copy the link into new email and send it off to absolutely EVERYONE you know.
May the best my best PR Agent win! And above all, thanks for making me famous!
P.S. Note the envelope icon at the end of each post. It allows you to email that specific post. Or... You can instead, send the link I mentioned above, which will include all posts. GOOD LUCK. I'm off to check out the cost of a new Rolls-Royce Motor Car.
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