Okay. That does it. When Nutri-System starts running it's TV ads (over and over, no less) showing us how the lady is back into a size 2, it's time to give up dieting forEVER. Who the F*#% do they think they are?? How DARE they show us women who have succeeded getting back into their size 4 or (gasp) 2!! If they think I'll EVER select Nutri-System after seeing who they're targeting, they're WAY off base. My rule of thumb: anyone following a diet to wear these sizes in just a mere few weeks is no one who's recommendations I'LL ever follow. On the other hand, there IS no weight loss program I'm interested in following, other than of course, my already proven high carb diet. It seems to work like a charm in helping to maintain my current personally accepted, well established chubbiness. To quote the lady in on TV, "any diet that lets you eat chocolate everyday, that's the diet for me!" Bingo. I'm sticking to high carbs.
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