Apparently, the intrique stayed with me, even up until this very day. In fact, I've often tried to recreate this List of Firsts in my mind, wishing I could actually remember everything on Joshua's t-shirt. Which is pretty funny, given I can't even remember what the hell I did just yesterday. BUT... I'm not one to give up easily. Thus... I sat down last night, having decided to FINALLY recreate a list of any phrase with which one associates the word FIRST. I actually had a pretty good time working on it, too.
ANNOUNCEMENT! Below is the list! Check it out. Who knows... maybe you'll even be the first one to read it!
first aid
First Amendment
first and foremost
first and last
first appearance
first balcony
first step
first kiss
first look
first place
first in line
first thought
first time
first husband
first class
first act
first word
first base
first gear
first verse
first sign
First Commandment
first frost
first line
first off
first of all
first born
first love
First Lady
first name
first known
first chance
first person
First World War
first row
first date
First Noel
first punch
first chapter
first order
first half
first right of refusal
first sight
first generation
first priority
first impression
First Thanksgiving
first bite
First Family
first snow
first glance
first edition
first attempt
first quarter
first piece
first birthday
first row
ANNOUNCEMENT! Below is the list! Check it out. Who knows... maybe you'll even be the first one to read it!
first aid
First Amendment
first and foremost
first and last
first appearance
first balcony
first step
first kiss
first look
first place
first in line
first thought
first time
first husband
first class
first act
first word
first base
first gear
first verse
first sign
First Commandment
first frost
first line
first off
first of all
first born
first love
First Lady
first name
first known
first chance
first person
First World War
first row
first date
First Noel
first punch
first chapter
first order
first half
first right of refusal
first sight
first generation
first priority
first impression
First Thanksgiving
first bite
First Family
first snow
first glance
first edition
first attempt
first quarter
first piece
first birthday
first row
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