You can't imagine how much I love this game. I had used the trial feature for all of 45 seconds, and bingo. Decided to go for the hefty price tag of $20 and buy it, instead. That way... I could be a word whiz any time, night or day, and you know what? I love every second of it. I am SO telling you... try this game immediately!! Go to this site SCRABBLE - Free Game Download and believe me, you'll thank me forever.
It has great features, too. You can decide what level you want to play, how strict the rules should be, who you want to play with, etc. etc. UH... CAUTION, HOWEVER. When playing against the computer, it TOTALLY comes up with it's own freakin' never before heard of words! As in: WORDS NEVER BEFORE EVER SEEN OR USED IN THE ENTIRE ENGLISH LANGUAGE. Ever. Well, certainly not by ME, anyway.
In fact, it kinda makes you want to blow your ever loving brains out as it racks up gazillions of points against you, with huge amounts of crazy ass words. On the other hand, if you want, you CAN click on SHOW ME THE WORD THAT WILL BLOW THIS COMPUTER IDIOT COMPLETELY OUT OF THE WATER and bingo. You're right smack back into the game once again. I try not to use that feature, but trust me... sometimes you just have to.
As if that's not enough, get this. Last week, I brought a friend into my computer via remote access and GUESS WHAT??? WE PLAYED A REAL LIVE GAME TOGETHER, just as if we were sitting at the same table! I can't believe it. It was absolutely so totally cool and I had the time of my life. Uh... no wonder. I think I won.
The other reason I love this game is that FREE CELL was becoming way old news. I ALWAYS have a game of sorts opened, so that while waiting for web pages to load, or waiting for printing jobs to finish, or enduring boring conversations while I'm on the phone... I can fill my time with MEANINGFUL crap. Like maybe scoring 50 extra points for using all my 7 tiles. Right. Like that's ever going to happen.
There are 8 levels on this game, from Beginner to Genius. I sorta like sticking with Level 4, Veteran, because it actually offers me the chance of shockingly enough, WINNING sometimes. And winning without having to play the easy weasy, kindergartner levels. Believe it or not, I'm definitely challenged!
So, if I'm to believe all those medical reports telling us we need to use our brain cells so we don't LOSE our brain cells, then I've gotta tell you... I think I just may be onto something here. If I keep this up, who knows... my brain could turn out to be Harvard material, after all! Thus, heads up Dennis and Shawn. If I keep on playing this game, I just might become a fellow alumni thanks to Milton Bradley, GameHouse or whoever the hell's in charge of all this. You think they offer scholarships??
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