Wide eyed and well rested, I got up, went to the kitchen for a drink, etc. and I FREAKED. From out of nowhere, the TV in my son's room was ON! HGTV, actually. HUH?? HOW DID THAT HAPPEN?? MY SON'S NOT EVEN HERE. WHO TURNED IT ON?? And, how did it know that's my favorite channel? It was crazy, but okay. If that's what the TV wants to do, okee dokee. Naturally, I turned it right off, mighty puzzled, I might add.
About a half later I went back to dream land and snoozed quite nicely, actually. But then several hours later, I was REALLY caught up on my sleep and again... I woke up. I went to the bathroom, got another drink, then figured I might as well check email, etc. at the computer.
So there I was in the computer room... reading and surfing... OH MY GOD. I HEAR VOICES! I've GOT COMPANY?? HUH?? What the hell is GOING ON, ANYWAY? Bingo... AGAIN, the TV turned itself on!! I swear... this is so not the way I like my appliances to work. They turn on at WILL? Whoa... very creepy, let me tell you.
So, ONCE MORE... I walked into my son's room. Turned off the TV ANOTHER damn time, becoming way more freaked by the ghost that apparently is now living in my house. Except, according to Claudia, it may not be a ghost after all. Just my mother. Uh... minor glitch, however. My mother passed away in 2005. Four years ago this month, actually.
EEEKS. She's sending me a message?? She's trying to tell me something? I should buy a new TV? She knows I need help with a sewing project on which I'm currently working? WHAT??
Well, if Mom IS trying to send me sort of vibes, I would so much prefer that she channel the info so that I actually know what the heck she's trying to say. By turning the television on in a room that someone rarely occupies is certainly an attention getter, alright, but geez... deciphering her message is definitely hieroglyphics to me. Unless of course, she just wanted to stop by and say hello. In which case, HI MOM! I LOVE YOU AND MISS YOU MORE THAN YOU'LL EVER KNOW! Oh yeah, and by the way... next time, try to visit me without wasting electricity.
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