I went to my all time favorite seafood restaurant. Before I was even shown to the table, however, I first went up to the display window and told the salesperson... WHILE I'M EATING LUNCH, PLEASE STEAM UP TWO HUGE MAIN LOBSTERS, SO I CAN TAKE THEM HOME FOR DINNER, LATER. Bingo. Done deal. But THEN, I realized, hey! Why not make it ONE lobster for lunch and the OTHER one for dinner??? Good idea, right? Man, it was ABSOLUTELY DELICIOUS. I can not TELL you how much I savored each bite. I was like in heaven! After all, lobster if BY FAR my all time favorite food. Bar none.
In the meantime, how long after lunch you think it took me to get home, bring in the other lobster and DOWN IT WITH SHEER DELIGHT? Uh... let me just say this. By 4:00 in the afternoon, I had eaten both lunch AND dinner. With no regrets, I might add.
Which of course meant... by 10:00 last night, I was sort of ready for dinner. Again. Of course the lobster was already in my belly for hours by then, BUT... I saw something in the refrigerator that called out my name... LOUDLY. Ready for this?? I saw the tube of Pillsbury Crescent Rolls and my mouth began watering! Butter flavored soft crescent rolls... now THERE'S a nifty meal.
Bingo. I took the entire tube, which by the way probably feeds a family of four, opened it, put it in the oven, baked it and... ATE THE ENTIRE DEAL FOR A LATE NIGHT MEAL. Am soooo glad my mother didn't see me. On the other hand, as good as the lobster was for lunch?? EQUALLY DELICIOUS was this tube of dinner rolls. Honestly, it tasted just like a scrumptious cake!
I hate to admit it, but... sitting down? I ate ALL EIGHT ROLLS... and never regretted a one. I bet I haven't had one of these home made rolls in YEARS but boy did I ever make up for it. Now... of course I'm not suggesting that YOU should eat such a meal, for any nutritionist would shoot me on the spot, but... by the same token... if you were to ask me to name one of my favorite dinners recently... I would SO have to say uh... an entire tube of Pillsbury dinner rolls! What? That's not an entree? Geez... for me... the first two rolls were my salad. The second two were my entree. The third two were my veggie. And of course, the last two were my dessert.
Naturally if YOU were to come to my home for dinner one night, I would never serve this as a complete meal. Although, talk about easy cooking! But... never the less...TRY IT SOMETIME. Trust me... it's like the perfect meal all rolled into one!
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