Don't even get me started on the daughter. It's not even her being pregnant that is bothering me. Although, trust me... I'm not celebrating the idea. Nor is it the fact the boyfriend had written on Facebook he doesn't even WANT children. Much MORE important to me, is the fact Palin doesn't even beLIEVE in sex education at all. HUH? WHAT?? WHY NOT?? Since when is education ummmm...a BAD thing, anyway?? Knowledge is no longer considered powerful? EEEKS. What mother in her right mind WOULDn't want their children knowing everything there is to know, regarding sexual behavior??
I feel even sorrier for all the thousands of remarkably talented, remarkably experienced and remarkably capable women who have worked their entire lives in all sorts of political arenas, who might even have actually ASPIRED to hold such an office. Were it me in their shoes... frankly, I'd have to shout out loud and clear: FOUL PLAY, YOU BASTARD! A hockey Mom who headed the PTA? Whoa.
Oh yeah... I also get apoplectic about the fact that this is a woman who is going to be second in command with FIVE KIDDIES WAY BACK HOME. Is that a joke??? The five month old, special needs baby must just be tickled pink, knowing he's low man on the totem pole. Especially since in about 4 months, he's going to be an uncle. This is just riDICulous. For years, millions of mothers have lamented and acknowledged the zillions of difficulties in merely trying to raise 1 and/or 2 children while holding down a 40 hour a week job. IT'S EXHAUSTING. IT'S A MAJOR STRUGGLE. IT'S HARD AS HELL. They are ready to tear their hair out trying to juggle it all.
Oh... but for PALIN?? Wow... who knew, it could be such a breeze? I so hate her choice of priorities, I can't begin to tell you. Bear in mind, I'm not saying she should have NEVER been considered for the post of Veep. But, I can tell you one thing... NOW ISN'T HER TIME. At least, it shouldn't be, for one who so high falutin' on family values. Don't Palin's children kinda need to be FAMILY FIRST verses next in line for the FIRST FAMILY?? Am I missing something here?
Indeed, I too, spout family values. But trust me, I'd never override my family's need for my constant presence at a point in their lives when they would so evidently need me. Shame on McCain for passing up on 1.) those who are way MORE qualified 2.) those who really ARE at the right time in their lives for such a position and 3.) encouraging Americans to trust his judgement. This selection alone troubles me on every level possible. So much for the judgement question.
I am so telling you... if McCain think this is the best running mate possible to offer to Americans, then... shame on him. And, if Americans themselves think this is best running mate possible, then, wow.... shame on them, too.
Lastly... all those credentials that Palin is sporting?? Too bad they won't come in handy. Surely she knows there is no way McCain is going to say... Oh... Okay, Sarah. You're right. You know better than I. Therefore, I'm going to defer to you, afterall. Fat chance.
Since when do Presidents defer to puppets, anyway?
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