Which is why Lee is pretty much, right up my alley. First of all, he always calls me back. Not at all like the other guy I had. Secondly, he can usually see me SOME time on the day I call. And, most importantly, he always calms me down, reassuring me I'll be just fine, definitely making money in the long run. Oh yeah... he's WAY easy on the eyes, too, so that's definitely a bonus.
Anyway, I high tailed it over to his office early this afternoon, and Lee very patiently answered all my questions, went through all my statements with me, etc. etc. I think I have my investments all down pat, now. Of course, I came home and heard nothing BUT info about the collapsing economy, which frankly is making me feel a bit queasy, if I say so myself. BUT... according to Lee, I have no reason to worry, so okee dokee, I'll believe him. Trust me, I was THIS close to telling him I want to cash out my money market and stash the mula under my mattress. Man, you should have seen his face when I laid that on him. WHAT??? UH... NO! You're not doing that! Well, not right now, anyway. Although I have to admit, I'm sort of not yet completely ruling out that possibility.
Regardless... there are two things I love about Lee's office. Other than looking at him, of course. One, is that as soon as you enter the lobby of the office, boom! There is always excellent candy in the candy dish. Kinda like... EVERY day can be Halloween, if you're into that. And, yes, I'm into that. Secondly, I LOVE this fabulous piece of art that is on the counter in the lobby. It's like a huge sculpture of a nest, with a stunning huge egg in it. Get it?? NEST EGG?? FINANCIAL OFFICE?? In the meantime, it's sooooo beautiful and every time I see it, I WANT it! I told him I'd even buy it. No can do. Damnit. I'd even ORDER it from the home office, if I could, but again... no can do.
Which is too bad given I love this fascinating three dimensional art piece. Besides, each time I'd looked at it, I'd think of Lee, remember how he told me not to worry my pretty little head about anything, and then bingo. I'd be a happy camper. Of course the art piece would have no bearing whatsoever on the fact, I STILL believe this country is spiraling downward, money wise. Heed my warning folks: count your pennies. They could easily be going down the tubes lickety split. Well, according to the Linda School of Finance, anyway. Which I guess is why people pay LEE to invest monies, and not me.
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