In the meantime, I took a look at her recently, in that picture you see there, and almost FLIPPED. I could NOT believe the picture I was viewing, was the Connie we all knew way back when. MAN, SHE'S AGED. Ever hear of Botox actually making you look OLDER?? Well, turns out she's a great poster girl for this, if you ask me. Thus at least one reason to reconsider ever doing it. Eeeks. Was the doctor was on speed or something?
On the other hand, seeing her picture did have a redeeming quality for me, personally. It made me think: maybe I SHOULD give up the idea of plastic surgery on my neck. It's something that has been plaguing me for several years now and I just haven't been able to muster up the courage to go for it. Going under the knife for an eLECTive procedure is so not up my alley. Especially since I've been under for four that were actually mandatory. Anyway, after seeing how old she looks I began thinking: OLD IS IN. By the way.... Cloris Leachman?? Wow. Don't ask. There has got to be something somewhere between a Mary Tyler Moore look and Cloris'... and Connie ain't it.
And apparently, neither am I. But, if you think any of the women mentioned above gave me reason for pause, there was one woman who REALLY made me weigh the pros and cons of plastic surgery. SEEN HELEN THOMAS LATELY?? She is the prime example of what I'll look like if I DON'T get my neck done. And, trust me... IT'S FREAKY. Not to mention, oh so not attractive.
Which brings me right smack back to where I started from. DO I OR DON'T I?? It's already a given, I SHOULD have plastic surgery, yet a.) I don't want to look like Mary, but b.) more so, I don't want to look like Helen. What's a lady to do, anyway?? Be old and LOOK just plain old? Or, be old and look really SCARY? Talk about fear factors.
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