It's painted on a canvas that measures 2' x 4'. Which means... uh... it's sort of hard to miss when you walk into the room. I haven't framed it yet, but will, hopefully next week. Today, three people viewed it and yippee! They all liked it! At least that's what they SAID. Bear in mind, I realize this genre of art isn't EVERYone's taste, but IF they were lying, they all did a pretty convincing job of giving my work a major thumbs up.
I decided I'm giving this to my kid, when I kick the bucket. I figured... some people leave their huge estate to their children. Me? I leave, my artwork to my son. Which reminds me... I wonder how THAT'S going to go over with him. WHAT?? NO BIG BUCKS?? YOU'RE LEAVING ME THIS?? CRAPPY ART, INSTEAD? ARE YOU FREAKIN' KIDDING ME?? I can hear him now.
Besides, as I told HIM... he should hang this masterpiece somewhere of prominence in his house and then boom. He can think of me every day for the rest of his life. Or... curse me. Whichever. On the other hand, I figure this is a fabulous trade off for all HIS iffy attempts at art when he was but in preschool and I had it lovingly plastered all over our refrigerator door. Trust me... this particular piece of mine is way better.
So... heads up, all you adoring parents. Forget about leaving life insurance monies, bank balances, jewelry and homes to your kiddies. Instead, leave them something they'll REALLY treasure! A work of art, done by none other than... YOU! If they don't trash it right off the bat, then they'll have something beautiful to keep, that was strictly a labor of love, handmade by you. They'll cherish it forever.
AFTER, of course, they get over being royally pissed at you for thinking this will appease their high hopes for plenty of bucks. Even then, it's a gamble at best.
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