What is NOT so beautiful is the unforgivable mudslinging, the desire to incite crowds into negative anger and/or hateful frenzies which McCain is so happily doing this week. It is sheer wickedness, if you ask me. And, sheer desperation. THIS is the sort of character you want to lead our country?? Does this not speak VOLUMES for the man representing the Republican Party??
Case in point... do you think for ONE minute, that (especially) given the Patriot Act whereby we wire tap, we investigate, we search without warrants, and we examine every computer on earth, we would not KNOW whether or not Bill Ayers is a dangerous man?? Do you think for ONE minute that the University of Illinois, where Ayers holds the title of Distinguished Professor, would actually EMPLOY a worrisome terrorist?? ARE YOU F-ING KIDDING ME?? Do you people have no brains whatsoever?? Man, you Republicans are scaring the s&^t out of me.
I am simply sickened beyond words by the campaign the Republican Party is endorsing and encouraging. I particularly love each time the middle name HUSSEIN is used. You're going to make a critical decision for the leader of the free world based on a MIDDLE NAME, FOR GOD'S SAKES?? ONE GIVEN TO YOU BEFORE YOU COULD EVEN PRACTICALLY BREATHE ON YOUR OWN?? Geez... I so wished right now that my middle name was ADOLF... I would LOVE to see myself shunned by all the zillions of family and friends that adore me up the kazoo. WHAT?? WHAT'S HER MIDDLE NAME?? OH MY GOD... NEVER SPEAK TO LINDA EVER AGAIN!! And, be sure she NEVER sits on any board with us for another second! I don't care HOW brilliant and fabulous she is!
Man... I just can't tell you how my blood curdles at the thought of McCain representing me on anything. I would have no problem... well, wait a minute. I'd have a problem, but at least I could do so with minor respect... if McCain fought his campaign based on issues, solutions, calm, intellect and forward, creative thinking. Instead I am ashamed that Obama has to run against such an ugly opponent. Fair play, may the best man win, verbal honor and integrity... WHERE ARE SUCH NOTIONS IN THE MIND OF MCCAIN, ANYWAY?? How DARE he call himself a gentleman. Let alone, a Senator in our United States Congress.
Frankly, I hope the man burns in hell for the way he's campaigning. And... if you do nothing else PLEASE don't elect this man to the highest office in the land. Unless of course, you're heavy into smut and disgrace. In which case, you'll have all you've ever wanted in President McCain. I am so not smiling at the mere thought.
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