Granted, YOU may not catch it right off the bat, but trust me, there is like NO way you can miss catching this manly phenomena in person! In fact, I suspect this shadow, which I see everyday of my life, gives a whole new meaning to shadow playing! Which is too bad, since I would SO love to run into any guy who can create this image for REAL.... for, in real life, this deal is like HUGE! Come to think of it, I'd also love to see this guy hop right smack into my bathtub since it might be sort of fun to actually help BATHE him. Oh yeah... for those more adventurous type out there, click on the picture, and you'll get a much better feel... so to speak... for it's actual size.
After looking at this tidbit for months and months, now, I finally decided last night to snap the photo and write about it. Just as I was doing so, a friend of mine came over and NATURALLY I ushered them into my bathroom and said: SO, WHAT DO YOUUUUUU SEE?? Bingo. In no time flat, they got what I was after. After trying to contain ourselves from the sheer amazement of this, we came to the computer, trying to find just the right snap shot that would do this entry justice. Uh... yup... I think we accomplished the mission with flying colors.
All along my bathtub edges, I've got all sorts of pretty and/or necessary items for bathing. Candles, bubble beads, crystal figurines, loofah sponges, etc. You name it, I can supply it. For THIS imaginary gentleman, however, I would SO not allow him to add bubbles to his bath. What? And block the stupendous view with suds and suds up to his neck? Absolutely not. In fact, I'd almost have ask... like just how long do you think he would be in the tub, before I TOO, jumped right in and said: OKAY... LET'S PLAY!
Now I admit... I'm a firm believer in cleanliness being next to Godliness thus frankly... with the key words here being FIRM, CLEAN, AND GOD... I am DEFinitely sporting some kind of one hot looking Adonis, for sure! A shadowy kind of Adonis, perhaps... but one, nonetheless. Talk about a tease.
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