I had company this weekend and as part of our fun and games, we each created a Halloween masterpiece. Meaning: as novices, we each took a pumpkin and did some out and out carving. Uh... as you can see, neither of us is a major pro. BUT... we did come up with a couple of cutie pies. Who, for all we know, may one day become pumpkin pies.
But not for a long time, believe me. I am hoping J & J will stick around a bit. Like... for at least a couple more months, anyway. At first I was going to add them to my other pumpkins, comfortably sitting upon the steps to my front door. But I changed my mind. I figured why take chances on ghosts and goblins contributing an untimely demise of these folks. Not to mention real life hooligans who, on the spur of the moment, could decide to do something really mean and crazy to the O' Family.
I don't know how long it's been since YOU'VE carved out a pumpkin, but let me tell you... it's no easy feat. In fact, IT'S HARD! Getting out all the interior flesh and pulp of this fruit requires major dedication. And YES... a pumpkin is a fruit. By definition, a fruit has seeds while a vegetable has roots or leaves or stems. See? You learn something new every day. Anyway, carving is also tricky and this requires major CAUTION. One cut in the wrong place... like on your finger, hand or wrist... and oops. It'll take this project to a whole new level; and possibly to a brand new hospital. Talk about BOO!
Luckily we avoided the emergency room. Instead, we concentrated on carefully cutting through the thick rind, slowly but surely, twisting and turning and bingo. Next thing you know... we had two adorable Halloween treats! I loved this project! As soon as we finished, I found two small candles, stuck them in the middle interior and turned off all the lights. THE FAMILY ORANGE LOOKED BEAUTIFUL! And whimsical. And happy.
You sure can't say I don't get into the spirit of the holidays! Which reminds me... Yippee. Next up is Thanksgiving! Tom and Teresa Turkey, maybe??
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