Maybe it was because I was so hungry at the moment, but I have to admit, when I passed by the bowl, it occurred to me that maybe THIS particular holiday is better than perhaps Christmas! Is that like even POSSible? Yeah, yeah, I know Christmas is a celebration of religious intent, but uh... sorry, Charlie. Not completely. It's the presents that count pretty high MY list, if you ask me. Uh... of course no one did, thus, so much for that. All I know is, that for a split second, I decided that frankly, Halloween isn't given enough credit for it's ingenious way of celebrating. GO! EAT CANDY! LOTS OF IT, TOO! FOR FREE, NO LESS! Man... what a deal.
By the way... if I heard T.V. correctly, I think that it said Halloween is like the most profitable of all holidays, for retailers. Huh? Are you sure?? I don't know... given the monies spent on costumes, candy, decorations, parties, etc... maybe. But, if not, it CERTAINLY ranks right up there, in the top 3. Anyway, when I was young, I'm almost thinking that maybe I put way too much emphasis on the costume element, and not enough on the candy part. However... don't get me wrong. I was WAY into the candy aspect, trust me. What? You think I was a COMplete fool?
Maybe the costume part became a huge factor for me, because if I remember correctly, it like rained almost EVERY SINGLE Halloween for years. Which uh... sort of puts a major dent in the costume planning, for sure. The humidity in South Florida alone, was a major bummer. Hence, wearing slinky, black skin tight lycra could easily have had the same effect as three hours in a sauna. Of course I would never have to worry since the idea of ME wearing such an item was SO never going to happen.
Regardless, to show what a sport I am, and how true to my belief I can be, while celebrating the holiday of candy tonight, I decided I'm handing out the candy I hate most, while hording all the candy I love best, for myself. In other words... the costumed kiddies will DEFinitely get the Skittles and Starbursts WAY before I begin handing out the Snickers and Baby Ruths. In fact, the Almond Joys and Mounds aren't even going to BE in the hand out bowl. Afterall, Halloween is a holiday for everyone... uh... including me, too. Only THIS time, I don't have to go door to door. Instead, I'm going right smack to own personal stash, tucked away safely here at home, and yippee. Just like a kid... I'll celebrate like no tomorrow!