I can't believe how lucky I am to have found him. Which actually, was sort of by accident, given the FIRST call I made was to a gentleman who happened to be out of town. ENTER: Mitch, the substitution. Talk about a lucky break. Consequently, for the past five years, Mitch has been intimately active with my personal computer.
As it happens, Mitch was here, that infamous day recently, when I wanted to blow up the entire universe engulfing all of BellSouth. Now known as your new AT&T, by the way. When here, he was showing me some web sites, amongst them... his own. Now THAT was a treat, if ever there was.
During our playtime, we came across this photo which IMMEDIATELY made me almost jump out of my seat. Nonchalantly, Mitch mentioned that this was... uh, oh yeah... a picture of his very own computer. I nearly DIED. What?? This belongs to someone other than the Pentagon?? A computer set up this HUGE??? Boy, was I ever impressed! Granted, I'm impressed easily, but man... this was aMAZing to me! Did you ever SEE a tower such as this one? I GUESS it's his tower. Who the hell knows. By the looks of it, maybe this is the mainframe for running our entire friggin' CITY for all I know! Oh yeah... according to Mitch, he's also got lights strung all over the inter workings, which supposedly, turns this tower into Las Vegas or something.
And.. as if THAT wasn't enough, Mitch then shows me online, a real time shot taken by a web cam of his... pointed straight out the front window of his house, giving you a bird's eye view of the exact weather for the moment, with all the statistics listed right below. I was in computer geek heaven! I can't even IMAGine what his computer room must be like. Let alone his house. Every techie gadget known to man??? Talk about being green with envy!
All I know is... it's way too bad you don't live near me. You'll never get to know Mitch, let alone, get to have him come help you out of every computing glitch on the face of the earth. And, in record time, too. So, basically, to all my loyal readers and supporters... don't thank ME for the pleasure of my blog entries. It's Mitch to whom you owe a heap of gratitude. Without him... I'd be pecking away at some sort of oldie goldie Underwood typewriter. God KNOWS I'd never be writing this by hand.
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