At first I thought it must have been his father, whom he was wild about. Then, the very next thought was: OH MY GOD... HE WON'T EVEN BE HERE FOR THE 2008 ELECTION! How the hell are we going to have election night without TIM??? God.. I'm like so nuts over this.
I'm also nuts over the fact that all aROUND me, people are kicking off right and left. And, YOUNG people, too. Well, young to ME, that is. Just this week I got news my first cousin died. Damn... couple that with my brother, her brother, my cousin herself, all dying right around 60, and Christ, I'm sick to my stomach. Have any clue how many of my friend's lost their husbands close to this age??
There was NO one who could analyze a political situation like Tim Russert. He cut right to the chase, and dissected the chase to a T. Man, this is simply crazy. I can't believe that his wife must have kissed him goodbye this morning, said HAVE A GOOD DAY AT WORK, HONEY and then EEEEKS. She gets news her husband collapsed forever. WOW. I'm so not in the mood to do yoga, now. I'm just way too stunned. AT 58??? IS THAT A JOKE?? Holy Sh%t. Am telling you now... do every damn thing in life you ever wanted. Next thing you know, you have no life. Man... this dying crap is killing me.
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