I came across this discovery by sheer accident. I woke up early yesterday. And I was STARVED. And... I was craving a bowl of cereal. Something I haven't eaten in years. Way back in my career days, I ate cold cereal every morning of my life, but that was like a lifetime ago. Anyway, like I said, I was starved, thus I poured myself a great bowl of Total, sprinkled with some Grape Nuts and boom. I was in cereal heaven. Then, much to my surprise... I WAS FULL FOR THE REST OF THE DAY. Eeeeks. I was shocked. Not to mention stuffed.
Well, only until later in the day, when I heard about Tim Russert, at which point, I felt it necessary to down some Ruffles. Full, or not. But, that's a whole new story, altogether. I just can't believe an early morning breakfast would really work on me, for an entire morning AND afternoon. It almost makes me think the nutritionists actually know what they're talking about AFTERall.
Oh yeah... I also made anOTHER discovery yesterday, too. I found out that I guess, due to Father's Day weekend, ALL THE PAY MOVIE CHANNELS ARE FREE THIS WEEKEND. As in: EVERY one of them have free viewing. YIPPEE!! Almost makes me wish I had no life... I'd LOVE to sit and stare at the TV all night and day, catching up on hordes of movies. I caught glimpses of Hair Spray, Ms. Potter, Grand Canyon, Sliding Doors and a couple of others.
Too bad I never had time to watch any of them until the very end, but as soon as I get home from the playhouse tonight, guess what I'm doing? Grabbing a bowl of cereal, turning into a couch potato and then watching every damn movie I possibly can!
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