I'm under the weather and man, do I ever feel like crap. I can't believe it. Its been almost a week now, and let me tell you, I'm so praying I come back to normal by tomorrow. Talk about a waste of a week.
I'm thinking that maybe I was pushing myself too much, getting all settled into the new house. For weeks, I had worked all day long, and after my evening showers, rather than lying in bed and staring at the boob tube... I figured, well, why not at least get my ass out of bed and try to get some more accomplished! I mean, really... there was SO much to do! Oh, I got something accomplished, alright. I got myself one nifty little head cold that is making me feel exhausted by merely waking up each day. Damn. I hate this.
Day one and two, I didn't mind so much. By day three and four however, I was beginning to get annoyed. But by day five and six? I'm ready to shoot myself. First of all, I've friggin' wasted a week of not getting everything put away, like I wanted. Secondly, I've had to stay inside each day, all day. Thirdly, I've still yet plenty to move from the other house to here, the new house. Damn. A complete week down the drain. Besides, I'm beginning to get sick of drinking so much orange juice.
On the other hand, lying in bed so much, does have its rewards. Case in point: I got to spend a couple hundred dollars on QVC, including some spiffy looking clothing that I'm expecting to arrive any day now. Already I'm considering what may/may not have to go back, but I have high hopes, nonetheless. In fact, just about an hour ago, I was in bed, taking a commercial break by switching over to QVC and sure enough they were showing some pretty practical kitchen tools I might have to add to my list of purchases. I also saw something else on TV last night, which was even better, considering it didn't even cost me a thing.
I saw some sort of Kennedy Center tribute show, where they were inducting and/or honoring a bunch of people. I completely missed the deals for Diana Ross and Steve Martin, which trust me, is right up my alley. What I DID get to see though, was the tribute to Brian Wilson and that was fabulous, indeed. What I'll get to view tonight, I have no clue but I'm praying it'll be something entertaining as all get out. Then again, if I'm going to be doing any praying... gee, I think it should be way more along the lines of praying that I: WAKE UP TOMORROW MORNING, FEELING HALF WAY DECENT ONCE AGAIN. Enough already of this being sick crapola... I SO want my life back! If by chance, I DON'T wake up feeling like myself, then I'm definitely considering buying stock in Kleenex.
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