It's such great news, that I can hardly sit to type this entry. Not at ALL like last night, when I wrote about being so heartsick because I lost some items that were SO valuable to me. Items that I wanted to find soooooooooo badly, it would knock your socks off.
Well, get this. Tonight MY socks were knocked off! In fact, Flung would be an ever better word. There I was, organizing my night stand... which, by the way, I did a thousand times... and out of nowhere I turned over some things and BINGO. I discovered my lost treasures! What a night of celebration. Actually, I did celebrate the occasion, which is why I can hardly type right now. But... that's another story altogether.
In the meantime, it's crazy. I looked EVERYwhere a zillion times, including this particular drawer. How I could not have located anything earlier, is beyond comprehension. But.. that IS the story of my life, so why be surprised? I'm just so happy, I can't tell you.
Speaking of surprises... get this. Today I found two one hundred dollar bills! Talk about a red letter day! Honestly. I can't get over what a great day this has turned out to be. I was even able to have the three gifts I bought today personalized as I waited. Geesh... why can't EVERYday be like today?? Oh yeah...
Earlier this afternoon I emailed a little holiday greeting to a bunch of my friends. In honor of my amazingly lucky day, I'll show you a copy of it down below. According to the responses, they all seemed to like it. What do YOU think of it??
Am hoping you have wonderful celebrations... and a very happy, healthy New Year!! Oh yeah... care to guess what my PERsonal holiday wish might be?? xoxox

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