It's a beautiful day in the neighborhood. Literally. Uh... figuratively, too. Mr. Rogers would DEFinitely be proud. Not of me, of course, but of all the people who live near me! First of all, there's a really friendly "walking brigade" of women here. They seem pretty dedicated to good health, too, given they walk each and every day. Kinda like postmen... rain, hail, sleet, whatever. THEY WALK. Being the friendly, neighborly sort of brigade, they immediately asked me to join them. Took me all of two seconds to say: THANKS but no thanks...not only do I not walk in 88 degree weather, I CERTAINLY am not walking in 28 degree weather! Wow... talk about dedicated! Instead, I merely wave to all the ladies as they pass by my front windows, at get this... 7:50 each morning!! My teeth aren't even brushed at that hour!
Anyway, when first I moved in, my fabulously friendly realtor stopped by a few hours after closing, and brought me a present! A BEAUTIFUL bird feeder, for a sort of celebration gift. With bird seeds and the whole nine yards. Of course there are no real trees here yet, upon which to hang the bird feeder, but who cares? It's the friendly thought that counts, right? Besides, I'm contacting the landscaper later this week.
In the meantime, I was here a mere few days, and bingo. ANOTHER gift arrives for me. This one was from my wonderful, friendly BUILDER. He sent me a gift basket, with a very sweet note, welcoming me to the neighborhood, and wishing me well in my new home. I was so happily surprised, you wouldn't believe it. Now, for SURE Mr. Rogers would be smiling. I still have the basket, unopened, since I decided I still want to stare at the pretty present given it may the only one I get for the holidays. In which case, I'll pretend Santa left it for me, on Xmas morning.
The latest neighborly thing that happened to me, was on Sunday. THIS one took me by total surprise, but was possibly the best. There I was, in work clothes, looking absolutely HORRIBLE and disheveled, no make up, no hair done, no shower, etc. etc. DING DONG. Eeeks... the doorbell rang and who should be standing there, but the most stunning family of a Mom, Dad and three very small children you ever saw. Dressed to the nines, I might add. They could easily have been on the front cover of any Saturday Evening Post magazine, depicted by Normal Rockwell as the family of the year. They, looking like the All American Family Beautiful and me, looking like a major old hag. Trust me... if they never allow there kids to come a'knocking at my door for Halloween next year, I'll completely understand.
In the meantime, get this. They tell me... WE JUST WANTED TO WELCOME YOU TO THE NEIGHBORHOOD, and with that.. they hand me THE most stunning gift wrapped holiday present of HOME MADE GINGERBREAD COOKIES!! Wow. I was floored! CAN YOU BELIEVE HOW NICE AND NEIGHBORLY THIS WAS OF THEM?? I felt as if Mr. Rogers himself, was looking down from heaven, almost envious that I was living in such a wonderful, friendly place! Now that I think of it, these parents were by far, his target audience. And, apparently, his target neighborhood, too. Talk about taking his message to heart. In which case, thank you, indeed, Mr. Rogers. The gingerbread cookies are DELICIOUS! And, better yet.. my neighbors are kind, friendly and most welcoming! Who could ask for more?
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