

I've needed a car wash for ages now. Finally, today, I got one. I went to one of those quickie car wash/detailing sort of places where your car goes through the wash/rinse cycle and then real live people run out to hand clean the interior, the wheels, and basically, all the hard to reach places.

If you time it right, you don't even have to wait for 4 or 5 cars ahead of you, since THEN you'd have to wait like a half hour or something for everyone to get their allotted 6 minutes of detailing attention. As it happened however, today I lucked out. NO ONE was in front of me. I whizzed right in, got in line, paid my monies and boom. The car was gliding along the metal pulley lickety split as I watched the progress, and basically beamed with delight as I noted all the dirt that came running down the sides of my car. Yea. In no time flat, my stupid little car was soon going to be a clean, mean, driving machine.

Or, so I THOUGHT. Yeah, yeah, yeah. The car went through the wash and rinse cycle easily enough. It even went through the hand vacuuming bit easily enough. And, it also went through the exterior hand drying bit with great ease. It was the inTERior however, that apparently needed big help. As you know, I'm heavy into meticulous. Thus, for my measly $12 I really DID want a SUPER DUPER $175 detailing job. Apparently however, what I WANT and what I GET are alas, two different matters. SO different, in fact, that no sooner had I claimed my car, then boom. I noticed ZILLIONS of little nooks and crannies that still required meticulous cleaning and/or dusting to get the job REALLY done. Geez. Enter: Dilemma.

Do I complain or do I drive away? For a short moment, I was tempted to call the guy back over and say... UH, SORRY CHARLIE. YOU'RE NOT QUITE FINISHED HERE. WHAT'S THE DEAL WITH ALL THIS DIRT STILL HANGING AROUND EVERY LITTLE CREVICE? But... it was hot outside and I was eager to get home for my siesta. More importantly, I was just too freakin' lazy to start trouble with the guy at my local cheapo car wash place. Somehow I just couldn't get in the mood today to play Ms. SuperBitch. I know. So unlike me, right?

Thus, instead, I headed back home, pulled into the driveway, ran inside, grabbed what seemed like millions of Clorox wiping sheets, and simply did the crevices MYSELF. Boom. I turned into a regular car detailing kind of gal right there, on the spot. And, I must say... I did a damn good job, too! If you saw my car right this very minute, you'd almost have say: HEY! ACTUALLY LOOKS PRETTY DAMN SPIFFY THERE, INSIDE! Trust me... I got into every little baby opening I POSSibly could. And you know what? I really must say... EVERYTHING'S AS METICULOUSLY CLEAN AS I COULD EVER WANT!! Talk about if you want a job done right, DO IT YOURSELF!

Bottom Line? I can honestly now say that I'd be pleased as punch to chauffeur almost anyone I know to or fro, wherever they'd like, with complete confidence they'd be traveling in style! Well, okay. Maybe not in style... but certainly in CLEANLINESS. Which as we all know, is pretty much next to Godliness. And... I'm definitely a God faring sort of woman. Most of the time, anyway.

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