Apparently, I've also got a talent for toy restoration. Who knew? Sherry recently moved into a new home and while packing, she came across a PlaySkool giraffe riding toy that used to belong to her now 35 year old son. It was aged indeed, but Sherry wanted her 3 year old grandson to be able to ride it when visiting, hence she asked that I repaint, update and redesign the giraffe. Bingo. I did the job and I'm so telling you... it's adorable! So adorable, in fact, that Claudia told me I can't give it back to her. She wants ME to keep it. See for yourself, there in the pict. It definitely has a sweet, happy look, and is now cheerfully tucked away on the floor in the corner of my kitchen. Too bad Sherry wants it back.
Yet an even better talent of mine, is that of being an expert iron-er. I don't remember who taught me... either my Mother or maybe Ada, a housekeeper of ours before I was even a teen. Or maybe it was Rosalie. I can't remember. Regardless, I took to this talent like a fish takes to water and the next thing you knew, every time my 17 year old brother needed a last minute pressed shirt for a date with Barbara, boom! I was hired. Mind you... if he was 17, then I was a mere 12. He looked pretty damn spiffy, too, I might add, thanks to my professional ironing job. In the meantime, I've found that lately, ironing not only helps your wardrobe to look immaculate and perfect, but... it also helps you to escape the woes of the day.
Enter: Last night. I flipped on the TV and brought out the ironing board/iron and got lost in pressing three pairs of slacks I had just taken from the dryer. Bear in mind... I do all I can to avoid buying ANY sort of clothing that requires ironing, but there's just so far you can go with that. I surfed all the channels, found that FUNNY FARM was on HBO, clicked onto it and began my job as Mistress of the Iron. It was a GREAT way to accomplish a needed chore, all the while, keeping my head in a mindless state of escape. I had seen the movie 12 times already I'll bet, but who cares. I listened and ironed and forgot all about the world at large. To tell you the truth, I could have easily gone on and on, but alas, I had nothing else to iron. Which was too bad, because I definitely decided that when things get crazed and harried, forget the need for a psychoanalyst... ironing is WAY better for calming one's nerves. And, way less costly. Or course, so too, are Oreos, Snicker Bars and even an occasional toke. Luckily, I'm not adverse to any of the above. Therefore, thanks Mr. Shrink, but no thanks. I seem to already have everything right smack in place for zoning out and enjoying a great escape.
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