Lately I've had so much on my mind that I JUMPED at the chance to go see HAIRSPRAY. I decided it was just what I needed for a wonderful escape into the world of dance and music. Now, I'm thinking I should have just jumped. Like maybe off the side of a mountain. Now THERE'S an escape, alright.
Don't get me wrong. I loved every minute of this movie. It was fabulous and if you haven't seen it yet, GO. Just be prepared to down some meds afterwards. The reason is simple: IT'S THE MOST HIGH POWERED, ENERGY LADEN MOVIE I'VE EVER SEEN in my entire life!! I mean it! Forget about being in the movie... you almost can't go SEE the movie. Well, maybe not at my age, anyway. All I could think of was: DEFINITELY FOR THE YOUNG. Way different than for THE YOUNG AT HEART. Which reminds me. If by chance you happen to actually HAVE a heart problem, you may want to reconsider buying a ticket.
Yes, the female star of the film was incredible. John Travolta and Michelle Pfeiffer were nothing short of fabulous. In fact, EVERYone was fabulous. But to me, the REAL winner of the entire film was none other than... tada... QUEEN LATIFAH! I swear... she was so damn great that I think she alone deserves the Oscar for Best Supporting Actress. Of course, the Academy never asks for me my opinion, but I'm offering it, nonetheless.
So... what can I tell you? There was more pumping and jumping in this one film than in any 37 others, combined. Which makes me think... am I getting too OLD to see musicals?? Am I the ONLY one to have left wired and in need of considering meds? More importantly, am I the only one who can't beLIEVE I was once so young as to actually have been able to prance all around like these actors??
Yes, the female star of the film was incredible. John Travolta and Michelle Pfeiffer were nothing short of fabulous. In fact, EVERYone was fabulous. But to me, the REAL winner of the entire film was none other than... tada... QUEEN LATIFAH! I swear... she was so damn great that I think she alone deserves the Oscar for Best Supporting Actress. Of course, the Academy never asks for me my opinion, but I'm offering it, nonetheless.
So... what can I tell you? There was more pumping and jumping in this one film than in any 37 others, combined. Which makes me think... am I getting too OLD to see musicals?? Am I the ONLY one to have left wired and in need of considering meds? More importantly, am I the only one who can't beLIEVE I was once so young as to actually have been able to prance all around like these actors??
Apparently so. If merely watching a musical like this can render me so filled with a rush of tension, I can see already, that by the time I begin taking my future grandchildren to a movie theater, I've got to first be sure they know ALL about CPR. Trust me... I may just need it.
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