In the meantime, I swear to God... my Dad was right. Papers DO get up and walk away! Boom. Kaput. Gone! IT'S CRAZY. And here, all this time, I thought Dad was merely nuts when he made this claim. Come to find out... he actually was right on target!! And, because of his wise insight, I am now in the throes of actually trying to FIND my runaway papers! So never going to happen.
I can't believe it. This is the third time this month that my fancy footwork papers have disappeared! I am going crazy, here. WHERE they walk away to, I have no clue, but I am so telling you, I NEED THEM TO COME BACK! Soon, too.
Per usual, I always remember where I put them. And, I always look right where I put them. Only problem is: they are never THERE, where I put them. Basically, they're walking right out of my life to only God knows where. Have any clue how OFTEN I've tried tracking them down?? They're not where I put them nor any where ELSE on this planet, either. I've searched every drawer, every counter top and every cabinet. I've even searched places I KNOW they can't be. Uh... like in linen closets, for example. Proving that now I'm so desperate, I'm beginning to look in places that border on the ridiculous.
One of the papers was an entire group... as in: rundowns from an annual credit report type thing. GONE. Another was the name and number of the guy who planted my tree last week. GONE. And then the third deal was something I can't even remember right now. Regardless, GONE. But, what is so freaky is that I'm pretty much a meticulous, well organized type of woman. Therefore, HOW COME I KEEP LOSING THINGS??
Well, actually. I don't. As my Dad said... these papers have legs. Thus bingo... they walk away! Forever. Hence: it's not even my fault. In fact, it's been about 10 months now, and STILL I haven't found the wall adapter for the keyboard I bought last year. MAJOR mystery going on there, however that's a whole different story onto itself.
Anyway, I wanted to wish my Dad a Happy Father's Day. Too bad he's no longer here for me to give him a hug and a kiss. On the other hand, his teachings still live on within me. As in: papers have legs and basically walk away. As in: you only get honey with honey. As in: better in your pocket than theirs. As in: you're never allowed to say Shut Up.
Of course I heard him say F it many a time, which basically goes to show you just one more way in which we were so alike. I miss you, Dad.
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