Because, get this... if ever I wanted to eat this meal again, I'D HAVE ABSOLUTELY NO F-ING IDEA WHAT I ORDERED! No wonder.. it's all written in Chinese!! Now, I have to tell you... I've eaten Chinese food... and loved every bite, I might add... for as long as I can remember. But, what I CAN'T remember is ever, ever having my bill handed to me, WRITTEN IN THE ACTUAL CHINESE LANGUAGE!! It like blew me away! I felt as if, rather having driven a mere 18 minutes to my favorite Chinese restaurant, I instead, must have taken a slow boat to China itself.
Granted, I don't know why I was so intrigued with this receipt, but as you can see, I was. After all, who ELSE would have held onto it? In fact, I was SO intrigued, I had the waitress actually write THANK YOU on it, as well. Talk about begging for appreciation. I think I just loved 1.) the fact that according to the bill, I have absolutely no clue what I ordered and 2.) the fact that the drawings are so cool. I'm totally enamored with this deal.
Oh yeah... I must say however... as much as I love this receipt, you have no ideal how much I loved MY MEAL! It was simply delicious. Wait... it's coming back to me now, I think. The first word/picture on this must be the 1 piece of Egg Foo Yong that I ordered as an appetizer. Man was THAT ever up my alley. The second word/picture must be the shrimp, veggies and pork fried rice I ate. Trust me... that too, was scrumptious. In fact, I was so excited to have even BEEN at this restaurant in the first place.
For some reason... from the moment I made plans to have dinner there, to the moment I walked in... my mouth had been watering just dreaming of the meal. Apparently I hadn't eaten there in quite some time and boy! Was I ever ready to down the tasty delights! The fact that I enjoyed a fabulous meal was basically the cake. To have had my order written in actually Chinese? Well, that was simply the best icing on the cake.
And, by the way... speaking of icing... why is that Chinese restaurants have such crappy desserts, anyway? Huh? Don't they believe in chocolate? Which now that I think about it... ARE there any overweight Chinese?? Wait... Mao Tse-Tung, was kinda chubby, wasn't he? Okay... in that case, what did HE eat for dessert? Whatever it was, I want the same!
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