I love when I can reconstruct my clothing successfully. It's a talent that definitely falls into the category of: NECESSITY IS THE MOTHER OF INVENTION. I have the flattest ass in history, thus practically every blouse, skirt, slacks, etc. have always needed tapering in the back. Which is sort of a pain in the neck, given my tummy is nothing to write home about. Hence, I always need room in the front of the garment, and way less fabric in the back of the garment. You have no idea how often I'm addressing this tailoring glitch.
On the other hand, I have it all pretty much down pat by now. I should. I've been doing it for 30 years already. The only items that throw me for a loop are the winter coats and the like. THOSE are like crazy to reconstruct, thus if the sleeves are too long or the back a smidgen too fitted, then I sort of have to live with it. Trust me... I have a pretty good grasp on exactly how far my abilities can carry me. The good news is however... winter is OVER. Bingo... winter challenges are behind me for about the next 7 months.
Besides... guess what? Just yesterday my gardener showed up for the first time since November to mow the lawn! Now you KNOW Spring is here when he begins that deal. Of course, I have fork over money for that pleasure... but no worries. Look at all the money I saved by doing my OWN tailoring! It's like part of my own personal economic plan. Man, would my mother be proud of me.
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