
No wonder. It's delicious!! Given that in addition to the pumpkin pie, there was also a stunning, fancy schmancy lemon cake and a delicious pecan pie, there was plenty of leftover desserts. YIPPEE! Definitely up my alley. I froze the other two, but couldn't bring myself to freeze the pumpkin guy since it IS one of my all time favorites.
Actually, the entire meal was damn good. Better yet was the company I had. For five days, Linda's family was here. WHAT A TREAT! Elliot, Lauren and Shawn decided to take their first family vacation since Linda's death last year and I was THE CHOSEN DESTINATION! Who could ask for more?? Plus, my son... the delight of my life... was here, so all in all, I had the best company ever. In fact, it was my son and Lauren who actually made the pecan pie and for a first time effort?? THEY PASSED WITH FLYING COLORS. Oh yeah... the two of them also made a gingerbread house from a kit I had bought. You can see their finished product in the picture up above. Don't ask.
I of course always make the traditional turkey on Thanksgiving. I just never eat it. I MUCH prefer all the trimmings. I NEVER serve stuffing, veggie casseroles, cranberries, sweet potatoes, etc. unless it's for a holiday, so when Thanksgiving comes around, I'm ready to dig in. Besides... where the hell is the TASTE in turkey, anyway? I don't even eat sliced turkey breast sandwiches. Give me hot pastrami ANY day. Further... turkey never seems to fit into my High Carb diet, that I love so much. Pastrami?? A zillion calories. Turkey?? Practically zero.
Oh yeah... get this. After dinner we all watched an apropos movie later that night. Sitting down?? FOOD, INC. Can you believe it??? Just what one should watch after eating fowl. You should SEE what what these huge companies do to supply our stores! Oh my God... don't EVER eat anything but food from animals raised in free range, grass fed environments. Uh... luckily my turkey was in fact, free range, no antibiotics, etc. Man... this movie was something else, alright.
Actually, so was my holiday. Even withOUT getting up at 4:00 a.m. to do the Black Friday bit. Soooo not my style. I would never consider getting up at that hour. Unless of course, it's to make one of my many nightly runs to the bathroom.
That was IT, alright!!!

I’ve gotta tell ya… this kid makes me laugh like no tomorrow. I’m basically getting for free, for what I believe Lorne Michaels would pay millions. Which is too bad, given I would LOVE to grab some of those millions.
Case in point: as were driving along on Saturday, all of a sudden my son breaks into this type of muffled lisp kinda speech that just knocked me out. I don’t even remember hearing it before. It’s a crazy type of speech pattern, that is just shy of sounding like a person who may be verbally challenged. Of course, I’m laughing right off the bat. So, after he’s talking to me in this way for a bit, it hits me… OMG… you have SO got to become a teacher, using this crazy ass linguistic type of expertise, to go teach a class in: ENGLISH AS A SECOND LANGUAGE. I chose: teaching English to French students. We laughed HYSTERICALLY at the concept.
Next thing I know, my son automatically slips into his professor sort of mode and begins to actually teach a pretend class. Including how the students will repeat what it is, he is saying. IT WAS HILARIOUS. The two of us were laughing up a storm. Plus… his content, in addition to the speech impediment, was not to be believed. He created the PERFECT syllabus at a moments notice. Anyway, after he regales me for a while with this outstanding comical routine, I next suggest to him… OMG… YOU ALSO need to now become a Disc Jockey!!
It was crazy. He IMMEDIATELY begins to do a Casey Kasem type of deal, doing the Top 40 Countdown or something. SOOOO funny. Of course, the speech is understandable to the listener… but barely. I was simply rolling on the floor. We then began to think of all the scenarios in which PERFECT command of the auditory language was mandatory and boom! Those are the scenes he needs to do for Lorne.
It’s too bad that I’m the only one who gets to be thrilled by my kid’s performances. Well, other than my Mother and brother, who’s favorite character of his was RAMON… the interior decorator. Or was he a hair stylist?? I can’t even remember. On the other hand… be SURE to never fall in love with a character my son creates… it will be the last time he’ll ever do it. Damnit. OH… DO THE ONE WHERE… bingo. You’ll plead and plead to no avail.
Which is a shame. For, my son is by far the funniest guy I know. He needs to become a Vince Vaughan or something. THEN… not only will he become happy and famous, but then I will become RICH and famous. Now THAT’S hilarious.
I swear to God… I made a discovery yesterday. You know the saying…a day without orange juice is like a day without sunshine? Well get this… I’m in a deal whereby a day without the INTERNET is like a day without uh… life!!
I mean it. I can’t beLIEVE how hooked into the internet my life has become. Hasn’t EVERYones? Case in point: I came home from the eye specialist yesterday to Google my new eye disease. Don’t ask. It’s ridiculous. Something called… sitting down??Retinal Telangiectanasia. It’s not good, trust me.
Regardless, I came home and hopped right smack onto the net. After reading email however, I decided: wait… let me take a break first, before I read about my life flashing right smack in front of me. Literally. Anyway, I go to make some ice box wafer logs and when I get BACK to the computer, I see I no longer have access to the internet. Gone. Kaput. No connection whatsoever. HUH?? What the hell happened in 20 minutes?? Without my even being there?? God only knows.
So… I do, what else? I call the BellSouth people and tell them GET ME BACK ON! IMMEDIATELY, TOO! Yeah, I know. I begin to freak out a bit. Then I have like a major melt down. AM I NUTS?? Well, it seems… apparently.
Anyway, the bottom line is: the DSL guy couldn’t come out until this morning. What did I dooo all afternoon and evening without internet access? WANT TO SHOOT MYSELF, that’s what!
It was so weird. Thank GOD the President delivered his speech last night. That took up a couple of hours. And, thank God I had the last few pages of the book I’m reading, to finish. Oh yeah… thank God I also had plenty of crap in the house on which to snack.
By the time I showered, did some chores, etc. it was time for bed. But trust me… there was a disconnect inside me like you wouldn’t believe. No web. No email. No Facebook. No blog. Not to mention no news, stocks, celebrity crap, etc. NOTHING. Talk about addicted, huh?
Luckily, I’m glad to say I’M BACK ONLINE. Man… you have NO idea how happy I am to return to the Super Informational Highway. It was like torture not having the net at my fingertips 24/7. Talk about not knowing what you have until you have it no more!!
Oh man… this so can’t be good. In a few minutes I’m headed out to the eye doctor. Not the one I was SUPPOSED to be going to, but instead, to a specialist. HUH?
Turns out my optometrist called to say… uh, sorry. Don’t come into see me. You have to go to a retina specialist, instead. I DO??? Yikes. I soooo smell trouble here. Apparently my retina is swollen… as in: WTF DOES THAT MEAN?? I’m doomed? I’m going blind? Even more importantly, I need eye surgery??
OMG… say it ain’t so. As much as I hate surgery, even MORE… I hate surgery when I can’t even close my eyes! I’m basically a freakin’ mess before I even leave the house.
I can’t even imagine what could be coming down the pike, here. Nor what the doctor is even going to tell me. Actually, he can cut right to the chase, leaving out all the details, if he wants. Just tell me this: 1.) is it going to hurt? 2.) am I going to able to see? 3.) am I going to be able to see FOR EVER? and once again 4.) is it going to hurt?? Having these questions in mind, I’m kinda checking out the clock as I sit here, so I can figure out exactly when would be the perfect time for me to down some meds before I even leave the house. I don’t mind telling you… I’m scared s^#*less. Consequently, I’m also a nervous wreck.
No wonder. Without working eyeballs, how will I ever be able to put on my make up to look like a million bucks? How will be I be able to watch hilarious movies? How will be I able to check out my entire wardrobe and see what nifty little outfit to wear for the day? How will I be able to do ANYthing?? Let alone how will I sew, do my nails, check out great looking hunks of men, drive my car or write this blog, even? This entire deal is like MAJOR CRAPOLA.
So, off I go to see what the hell is going on. I’m also off to go grab an Ativan. Talk about HERE GOES NOTHING. Oh yeah… Here’s looking at you, kid.
You know… today’s holiday kinda got me thinking about how I’m probably the only expectant mother I know who actually never went... INTO labor. It was kinda weird now that I think about it.
And, it was one the parts of pregnancy that sort of freaked me out, too. Case in point: there’s pain involved. Lots of pain. Which I guess is why God decided to spare me. THANK YOU, GOD. Man... have YOU ever got me pegged! He/she apparently knew that I so don’t like pain. Especially pain like THAT.
Consequently, since I never went into labor, all I know is that my baby kept GROWING AND GROWING. Uh… right smack inside me. At a certain point, the baby gets to a size whereby they're supposed to grow OUTSIDE of you. Uh, in my case however, it just wasn’t happening. Which is why, as the doctor kept monitoring the size of the baby, he decided EEEKS. This kid is not even going to FIT anymore. Let alone… he was going on 3 weeks late. Enter: caesarian section.
So there I was… having never been a patient in a hospital before, never having had a baby before, and CERTAINLY never having had a surgical procedure before… boom. I’m getting ready to have all three, lickety split. All without ever having had so much as one labor pain. None. Wanna know why?
Because the baby never dropped. Wanna know why he never dropped? Get this… OMG… the umbilical cord was wrapped around the baby’s neck THREE TIMES!! No WONDER he couldn’t get outta there. No WONDER I looked like I was delivering triplets. NO WONDER I was becoming the hugest pregnant woman on earth. Seriously. It was crazy.
Okay… so basically, I was trading off the pain of being in labor for the pain of recovering from surgery. And, actually… to this day… I’d still opt for the surgical pain. Trust me… I’ve seen enough movies to know women SCREAM IN HORROR during some of their labor pains. At least, after surgery you get all kinds of nifty meds to help you survive it; plus you get excellent empathy.
You should SEE the compassionate care you get from nurses while you’re recuperating from not only abdominal surgery, but also from a zillion stitches stretching all along your bikini line. I was treated like a major queen! FINALLY, I might add. Of course I was also never going to wear a bikini either before or after delivering my son so what’s the downside?
In the meantime, I basically had a non-labor labor. So up my alley. Therefore two things: 1.) kudos to all you hard working people out there. Believe me… you deserve far more than a mere day. A week should set it about right and 2.) hats off to all you brave mothers who actually know what REAL hard labor is all about. You deserve more than a week.... you deserve a medal!


As in: after 40 years since college... I HAVE RECONNECTED WITH MY TWO FAVORITE SUITE MATES FROM OUR COLLEGE DORM! Whoa... so never saw THAT coming. It went down like this:
I woke up one day recently, went to my computer and boom. There's a message from Facebook, telling me that Ann is wondering if I'm the same Linda from USF... who shared a suite with her and Susie. BINGO WINGO. Next thing you know, the three of us are going NUTS catching up on the last 40 years of our lives! Uh... no easy feat, I might add. TALK ABOUT EMAILS FLYING BACK AND FORTH! Can you believe it?? After ALLLL these years, I get to hook up with Ann and Susie once again. OMG... what a major event this has been for me! You can't even iMAGine all the gossip we have had to share! It's simply incredible.
I heard names of boys we all loved and lost and names of dorm girls I would NEVER have recalled if you paid me a zillion dollars! I saw pictures of us way back then that show NOT ONE WRINKLE, NOT ONE GRAY HAIR NOR ANY SPEC OF AGING, WHATSOEVER. I got to read letters that Ann kept from all three of us that no one in their mind would have EVER saved all this time. I mean, it's like we have pages and pages documenting our lives in the good ole days of college and trust me... they are definitely incredible!
Oh yeah... Ann has lived literally allll over the world having INCREDIBLE adventures. Susie has worked with folks dealing with mental challenges and more recently, been pretty much hooked into hanging with and managing some pretty nifty musicians. Me??? Uh... oh, well... gee... I taught school, raised my family and socialized with friends. Boom. That's it. Oh man.. talk about being on the opposite end of the spectrum!
Anyway, matters not. For I am so telling you, this entire reconnection experience is right smack UP MY ALLEY. You think we gossiped way back THEN? You can't beLIEVE how much we've gossiped in the past three weeks! And better yet... after 40 years,the gossip is SO much juicier!! I'm a sucker for it all.
By the way... I've reached a pretty profound conclusion, in case you're interested. Just as when Ann, Susie and I were in college, life still comes down to the ONE AND ONLY THING that drives our feminine engines: MEN! Can't live with them, but certainly can't live without them.
All I can say is YIPPEE. Am sooo thrilled to have Ann and Susie back in my life once again. I am wild for the laughs we've shared in the past three weeks. I'm crazy for the reminiscing we've done in the past three weeks. And as much as I loved my two college suite mates THEN...I love them more even now, thanks to these past three weeks. Oh yeah... I'm also exhausted. 40 years into 21 short days?? Now THERE'S a challenge if ever there was.

I have a very specific TV schedule in the mornings. It keeps me company while playing in the background as I get up, put on make up, get dressed, make my bed, return phone calls, whatever. It's not my FAVORITE TV schedule, but via a process of elimination, I weeded out the absolutely WILL NOT WATCH shows from the OKAY, IF I HAVE NO CHOICE shows. Thrown into the mix are a couple of BINGO, DEFINITELY WATCH shows. As in: Martha Stewart.
Each morning at 10:00 I switch the channel and catch some really interesting info on what's doing in the Land of Martha. In fact, I even follow her on Twitter. So, Monday, as per usual, I click on the station... BOOM. NO MORE MARTHA!!! GONE! KAPUT! Whoa. Are you kidding me??? WHAT THE HELL IS DEAL OR NO DEAL DOING ON?? So not a show I can watch so early. WAY too much energy for 10:00 in the morning, if you ask me. Uh... by the way....I didn't take to this schedule change any too happily, trust me.
In fact, I went on the web, searched out my satellite company and my local TV station to find out exactly when she IS on. Talk about getting no where fast. So much so, that today I finally broke down and actually called the peeps at my local TV station. Sitting down??
Oh man... am I ever screwed. I need to set my ALARM CLOCK to watch her?? This is totally crazy. Granted, I can set my DVR to record her show each morning, but seriously... this is completely not cool. Besides, given I'm the laziest person in the world, now, I'll have to actually walk all the way over to the remote and switch over to my DVR playlists. I'm smelling: UNNECESSARY HASSLES, here. Geez... just put the show on at regular time. Sooo much easier!


In the meantime, I swear to God... my Dad was right. Papers DO get up and walk away! Boom. Kaput. Gone! IT'S CRAZY. And here, all this time, I thought Dad was merely nuts when he made this claim. Come to find out... he actually was right on target!! And, because of his wise insight, I am now in the throes of actually trying to FIND my runaway papers! So never going to happen.
I can't believe it. This is the third time this month that my fancy footwork papers have disappeared! I am going crazy, here. WHERE they walk away to, I have no clue, but I am so telling you, I NEED THEM TO COME BACK! Soon, too.
Per usual, I always remember where I put them. And, I always look right where I put them. Only problem is: they are never THERE, where I put them. Basically, they're walking right out of my life to only God knows where. Have any clue how OFTEN I've tried tracking them down?? They're not where I put them nor any where ELSE on this planet, either. I've searched every drawer, every counter top and every cabinet. I've even searched places I KNOW they can't be. Uh... like in linen closets, for example. Proving that now I'm so desperate, I'm beginning to look in places that border on the ridiculous.
One of the papers was an entire group... as in: rundowns from an annual credit report type thing. GONE. Another was the name and number of the guy who planted my tree last week. GONE. And then the third deal was something I can't even remember right now. Regardless, GONE. But, what is so freaky is that I'm pretty much a meticulous, well organized type of woman. Therefore, HOW COME I KEEP LOSING THINGS??
Well, actually. I don't. As my Dad said... these papers have legs. Thus bingo... they walk away! Forever. Hence: it's not even my fault. In fact, it's been about 10 months now, and STILL I haven't found the wall adapter for the keyboard I bought last year. MAJOR mystery going on there, however that's a whole different story onto itself.
Anyway, I wanted to wish my Dad a Happy Father's Day. Too bad he's no longer here for me to give him a hug and a kiss. On the other hand, his teachings still live on within me. As in: papers have legs and basically walk away. As in: you only get honey with honey. As in: better in your pocket than theirs. As in: you're never allowed to say Shut Up.
Of course I heard him say F it many a time, which basically goes to show you just one more way in which we were so alike. I miss you, Dad.

Okay... the Carradine story is old news by now. I've had time to process it and move on. But then, this afternoon, I logged onto the net and boom. Right smack in front of me was the story about Chastity BECOMING A MAN! Eeeeks. So much for that adorable blonde haired princess we often saw on the Sonny and Cher Show. WHAT THE HELL'S GOING ON, ANYWAY? I'd so love to have been a fly on the wall when Chaz laid THIS story on her world famous, absolutely gorgeous, diva of a mother.
Regardless... I actually found the life story of Chastity pretty enlightening. Since her original coming out a LONG time ago, I really haven't kept up with her, nor... and more to my point of interest... her love life. Reading the update of all that this afternoon, was something I found pretty damn interesting, if I say so myself. We all know there are so many ignorant homophobes running around, thus, life is obviously hard enough as is for the gay community. Unfortunately, they are subjected to plenty of hateful comments, prejudiced treatment, etc. etc. Thus, as I read about Chastity, I couldn't help but think to myself... UH OH, CHASTITY... GET READY FOR PEOPLE TO REALLY GO POSTAL ON YOU.
Personally, I get it, how people born in the wrong sexual body are living every day of their life in pain. I also get it that it takes tremendous courage to do whatever it is they must do to become authentic. But, STILL... the mere idea of having to actually physically SWITCH OUT your body parts is simply mind blowing to me. Hey.... I can't even muster up the courage to get a much needed face lift! How the hell do people undergo major PRIVATE PART SWAPPING?? Holy freakin' EEEKS. I'm like feeling stunned at the idea.
Pretty much the way I'm almost SURE Cher was stunned to find that she'll no longer have a daughter. Nor will Elijah Blue have a sister. Talk about a crazy ass sit down dinner at Christmas time this year.
So basically, it's Good bye Chastity... Hello Trinidad. And no, not the one in the Caribbean. Instead, the one in Colorado... home of surgical sex change procedures.

Meaning, now... I have to figure just HOW do I get my name out to all the fancy schmancy publishers, anyway? Well, get this... I began working on a business strategy. It's so way cool, that even if it DOESn't work, it'll still be worth the effort. Best of all, everything's basically been for free, so far.
FREE?? Yessiree. Definitely up my alley. And, my pocketbook is pretty much thrilled about it, too. Get this... I was told about a web site. On the web site, you get to order allll sorts of advertising and/or business items. So, first thing I did was order 50 pens, advertising my blog. I designed the whole deal just the way I love it. Order comes, I love it. THEN, BOOM. Next thing you know... this site sends me all kinds of specials... EVERYDAY... for everything you can get under the sun. FOR FREE no less.
YIPPEE. I put on my thinking cap and whammo. Next thing you know, I'm designing business cards, postcards, sticky notes, over sized postcards... you name it, I'm ordering it. THEY ARE SO FABULOUS I can't even tell you. See the picture up above? That's one of the postcards I had made! Again, FOR FREE. As in, example: 100 over sized postcards for the mere cheapo cost of shipping! I LOVE THIS DEAL. It's simply fantastic! Unfortunately, my picture here, doesn't really do the postcard justice. It's way better if seen in the flesh. It's actually the size of half sheet of printing paper, except... it's got a glossy front, perfect printing, great color, and an excellent note on the back to grab the attention of hopefully, my brand new publisher. Oh yeah... there's also a place for the mailing address on the back. What I'm shooting for of course, is for some wildly famous publishing company to take one look at it and say: YES! THIS IS PERFECT FOR US! WE'RE DOING A BOOK OF THIS BLOG IMMEDIATELY! GET THIS LADY ON THE LINE ASAP! Bingo. I sign a contract.
Now, of course, if I'm ever going to see this actually happen, I have to move right smack into Business Strategy Plan No. 2. As in: SEND ALL THESE ITEMS TO THE PUBLISHING HOUSES! And... uh... cross my fingers. I swear to God. If ever I do become famous and published... I'LL BE TAP DANCING ALL OVER THE DAMN HOUSE, HAPPY AS A LARK, YOU WOULDN'T EVEN BELIEVE IT.
Talk about from my lips to God's ear. I should only be so lucky. On the other hand, stranger things have happened. Thus, moral of story? Never say never. Better yet... YOU'LL be able to say: I KNEW HER WHEN!

Last week I went to visit Nina. In New Jersey no less. Bingo... I flew up north. Now THAT'S not something I do any too often. But... for Nina? I'd go in a flash! So, needless to say, I had a FABULOUS time being with her again. We must have sat up until 2:30 in the morning that first night, jabbering about God knows what, catching up on years and years of stories, and having laughs up the kazoo. Even Jeff hung out with us... who could blame him? There are any two girlfriends on the planet that can come up with such great gossip as we two? Uh... I don't theeeenk so.
Anyway, the entire visit was a blast. I have a zillion parts of it which I could relate to you, but after thinking about it, I HAD to go with the desserts that about 7 of us ordered on Saturday night. It was a girls' night out and best of all, the night was spent in the dining room at the Maplewood Country Club. WHAT A MEAL I HAD. Soooooo up my alley. I wanted to down everything in sight, and basically, I did. Uh.. until my stomach radar went off and reminded me: OH NO YOU DON'T. YOU'LL NEVER MAKE IT HOME IF YOU EAT ALL THAT RIGHT NOW. As in: major stomach ache could kick in any moment and you'll never make it home in time. You have NO idea how much I hate hearing that radar.
Regardless, just TAKE A LOOK at the menu! When's the last time you saw a real live BANANA SPLIT as your first choice???? Whoa. Once you see that... BOOM! YOU KNOW YOU'RE IN FOR GREAT TREATS. And man, was I ever. What I particularly loved, too, was that everyone ordered something different! AND... they were allllll stupendous choices. No one dared to utter the words... uh... FRESH FRUIT CUP, PLEASE. Thank God. I would have so kicked that person away from the table as soon as the words spilled from her mouth.
So... Okay. Banana Split. Chocolate Thunder. Chocolate Confusion Cake. New York Cheesecake. Sorbet. And Ass't Hagen Daaz Ice Cream. A MENU FROM HEAVEN! I was so taken with these delicious possibilities, I didn't know where to BEGIN. Naturally, had I not had my stomach radar on, I would have DEFINITELY gone with the Banana Split. (thankfully, the person next to me ordered it) So, what DID I choose?? Soooo bland a choice, I'm embarrassed to even tell you. Mind you, I had my probable stomach ache to consider. Ready??
NEW YORK CHEESECAKE!! Man, was it good! EVERYthing was good! On the other hand, nothing was better than being with Nina. Thank you Nina for taking me to my all time favorite place to eat. I can't WAIT to be there again. And, to select from this menu again.

I can't even TELL you how upset I am. Oh yeah, the police are on their way over as we speak. I NEED TO FIND THIS THIEF LICKETY SPLIT SO I CAN RETRIEVE MY PACKAGE!! Eeks! God only knows what ELSE was in the mail box, by the way. Checks? Bills? Personal love letters from my adoring public? Jeez.. this is SO NOT COOL.

Wilma and I headed to Asheville today. She... so she could drop off some papers for the AIDS center at which she volunteers; me so I could hit the fancy schmancy makeup counters to get my pricey makeup supplies. Basically right off the bat, you can see who has whose best interests at heart. Wilma is out to serve others. I'm out to serve myself. I know... I'm not proud of it, but regardless... it is what it is.
So, okay. We go to WNCAP... our area's most wonderful organization that helps to serve the public; AIDS patients in particular, so they may live as rewarding/healthy a life as possible. I walk in to the center and boom. Right off the bat, I meet Chris... a head honcho in the organization, I think. No sooner do I say hello to Chris, then I see on the main table... a big bowl of condoms. LOTS OF CONDOMS. All colors, all sizes, all styles, etc. etc. I'M LIKE IN CONDOM HEAVEN, if such a place is ever your desire.
Naturally, I grab as many as I can possibly hold on to, so I'll have, ahem... as mementos, shall we say... from this most enlightening field trip, ever. No sooner do I have these in hand, then Chris tells me: WAIT... I JUST GOT IN THE LATEST CONDOMS ON THE MARKET... here, have a couple. Wow. Talk about being two steps ahead of the crowd. That's them up in the picture, here. So anyway, by now, it's embarrassingly apparent that my hands are cupped, overflowing with condoms.
BUT WAIT... next thing I know... Chris is leading me down a hallway to what turns out to be the SEXUAL NECESSITIES UP THE KAZOO ROOM. I swear.. I WAS FLOORED. In this small room, from like ceiling to floor, are SO MANY SEXUAL ENHANCEMENT ITEMS, I DIDN'T KNOW WHAT TO LOOK AT FIRST! Things I never ever even HEARD OF, BEFORE, too! And, trust me... I've been around the block once or twice. Hence, this bordered on SHOCKING!
Huh?? DENTAL DAMS?? FEMALE CONDOMS?? Whoa...YOU'VE ever seen these before??? Man, this was DEFINITELY the best education I've received in a LONG time. As if that wasn't enough, I was then gifted a bunch of these never before heard of items, PLUS a slew of the scented lubricant packages. Know how many of THOSE I took?? Talk about needing a Bloomingdales' Big Brown Bag.
So anyway... you'd almost think my journey was over. WRONG. You sitting down?? I was then ushered into Aminah's office and WITHIN THREE SECONDS OF SAYING HELLO... BOOM! RIGHT SMACK ON HER DESK SHE PLOPS DOWN TWO SUCTION CUPPED DILDOS!! Are you f-ing KIDDING ME???? My mouth dropped! I was aghast!! I was thrilled, don't get me wrong, but still... I WAS STUNNED! Man oh man... this was by far, the most interesting experience I can almost ever remember. Uh... I highly recommend you try this some day.
Okay... so I'm with Aminah, staring at the dildos. How long you think it was before she then GIVES ME A PERSONAL LESSON ON HOW TO PUT A CONDOM ON ONE OF THEM!! Think: milliseconds! Oh my God... HELLO? HBO?? REAL SEX SERIES?? HI... IT'S LINDA. I'M IN AMINAH'S OFFICE AND THIS LADY IS SOOOO UP YOUR ALLEY! Actually, mine too, now that I think about it. YOU NEED TO HIRE HER!
By the way... you think you just need to open up condom packages and whip them on?? SO NOT THE CORRECT WAY! There are actually INSTRUCTIONS on how to apply them properly! And, uh... no. I'm not going to go into detail about how to do it the right way, but if you DON'T know... head over to Aminah, 1-2-3. I promise you... you'll be pro in no time flat.
END OF FIELD TRIP?? Not by a long shot! Get this... next thing I know... I'M BEING SHOWN HOW TO USE A DENTAL DAM (don't even get me started) and the FEMALE CONDOMS. EEEEKS. You have NO idea what these look like (nor how big they are) let alone how they're used. Whoa, is all I can say. Oh yeah... point of information... go out and load up on a bundle of jellies. Apparently, you'll need them, too. See? I'm a quick study, afterall!
All I know is, at this point, my head was spinning!!! Oops.. I almost forgot. Aminah was kinda apologetic she didn't have her anatomically correct female model to show me. ARE YOU JOKING?? THANK GOD she didn't. That would have put me over the edge, for ever! I am so telling you... this is DEFintitely a day that will go down in history for me. Therefore, two last things...
1.) Thanks Chris and Aminah, for one hell of an interesting day! WNCAP deserves every donation it gets! Congratulations to you both.
2.) Thanks Wilma, for introducing me to the REAL Sex in the City production! In a million years, I would never have imagined such an explicit education. In something I thought I already KNEW about, no less. Forget that deal about not being able to teach an old dog new tricks. Apparently, that's very old school.