Anyway, we also spoke about how she has the legs, the body, the ass, the whole astounding package... and let me tell you, its SOME package, alright. I'd almost consider changing playing fields, if I had to. Well, okay, not really. But, its a thought nevertheless. Then we talked about Nicole's movies, her sex scenes... you name it, we talked about it. We even made a bet about her height. What a surprise. I WON. Turns out, as I suspected, she's about 5'11, and as if that's not enough... I trust everyone already KNOWS she's a natural red head, too. In fact, I would KILL to be a natural red head. Oh yeah... I do have to admit however, I need to deduct .9 of a point for her hooking up with Mr. Egomania, Mr. Tom. But, whatever.
In the meantime, yesterday I was at the hair salon and today, I was at the doctor's office and boom. Right smack in front of me, in all the magazines, is apparently the newest spokeswoman for Chanel No. 5. UH.. CARE TO GUESS WHO IT MIGHT BE?? Enter: Nicole! Talk about a stunner! As if that's not enough, she's WEARING MY ALL TIME FAVORITE... A PINK BOA FEATHERED STOLE! Oh man... this is so damn sexy, I can't even believe it. It took my breath away.
So, while Nicole is ALSO on the cover of Glamour, for one of the most beautiful women in 2008, I'm taking this one step further. My take is: she IS the most beautiful woman of 2008. Thus, move over Elizabeth, Sophia, Audrey, and Grace. Sorry... you've got some MAJOR competition going, here. Especially since NONE of those lovelies I saw walking down Victoria's catwalk the other night, have ANYthing on Nicole! Now, HERE'S an angel!
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