Yippee. Tonight I'll hear from Michelle Obama. I PRAY she is able to get her message across with major polish and tremendous excitement. Tuesday and Wednesday we get to hear from the Clintons. Which reminds me... she had BETTER command her supporters to back the Big O! And do it with huge fanfare, too. It is SO time for them to get over it and move on. Needless to say... on Thursday HE appears!! What a night THAT'S going to be! Thrown in there somewhere, I am assuming Biden will get a chance to address the convention and that too, has me pretty damn revved up.
What's REALLY going to make me thrilled beyond belief tonight, however, is the rumor that Kennedy might speak!! OH MY GOD... talk about bringing out the stars right off the bat! Supposedly, Ted is in the building, so to speak, and if he is able, he'll be a part of the opening ceremonies. Or, so I hear. WOW. Talk about knocking one's socks off from the get go.
So, here I am, readied for all the red, white and blue festivities. The beginning of the end, as I see it. The end of crazy ass Bush. The end of McCain's crappy ride to the White House. And, the end to all my waiting. Instead, I am so hoping this is beginning of making our country great, once again. Bring on the statesmanship, respectability and integrity of running a government. Flying to Denver: $893.54. Attending the convention: $2512.84. Electing a PHENOMENAL President: PRICELESS.
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