It was really crazy how I ran into her, too. I was in Atlanta Bread Co. happily munching away on a hot pannini of some sort and Claudia said to me: Hey... isn't that so and so?? I got up, ran right over, and BOOM! It was Barbara and Gary! The rest is history. The threads of who we knew, who was already living here, and the threads of who we knew still in South Florida, and what THEY were up to, were winding and winding all over the place.
In the meantime, I am hosting dinner. Only one little glitch. I have NO CLUE whether or not I told everyone the same time of arrival. Eeeks. Which only means, I may be serving dinner in shifts, for all I know. Now... yes, I COULD call everyone and reconfirm the time. But... you know what? I decided I'm going to LIVE ON THE EDGE for the evening. I'm just going to see who arrives, and when, and then BINGO. I'll know in a flash who was told what time. Uh.... I'm HOPING it's all at the same time, but time shall tell. Literally. Interesting way to entertain, don't you think?
I'm especially thrilled because, YIPPEE! We've had three straight days of constant rain. Which means: LUCKY ME... I've got 4 billion roses on my rose bushes! The MOST beautiful colors of yellow and orange you ever saw. I went out today, in between the rain drops, hence I now have, the most beautifully tucked rose into each one of the napkins. I love how this looks... the table scape is STUNNING!
I'll also love seeing everyone tonight. And, I have a feeling THEY will love having their dinner cooked. So... am now off to the kitchen, to organize the food items, and figure out what gets cooked when. After all, it IS all in the timing. Which reminds me... I have to kick all my guests out by the time BILL takes the stage. Oh... and, yes... Hillary was fabulous!
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