Rep. Vito Fossella (Republican) of New York acknowledged Thursday that he has a 3-year-old daughter from an extramarital affair. The revelation came after the Republican congressman, who has three children with his wife, was arrested on drunken driving charges.
YOU READING THIS??? IS THIS GUY NUTS, OR WHAT?? Can you IMAGINE what his wife and family are going through right now?? Trust me... the details get worse, so I suggest you check out the full story. I, for one, am soooo sick of all these politicians and their sexual scandals. Is it not enough that Congress has already served themselves so much better than they have served the public? They ALSO have to now be contemplating serving TIME, as well? Geez... this so pisses me off. Okay... I get it... very few actually WILL serve any time, but Jesus... I have just about had it up to here with this hypocrisy. Hello?? Elliot Spitzer, please. Oh... hi Elli... Vito here. Uh... I'm screwed. Any suggestions?
Now, don't get me wrong. I've been around the block a few times, thus haven't just come out from under a rock. I know that people innocently enough, find themselves in situations they didn't expect, weren't necessarily looking for, AND never wanted to share with the public at large. I also know that often, there actually ARE reasons people seek outside relationships yet don't dissolve marriages... children, financial, medical, social, whatever. BUT... ISN'T THIS THE ADMINISTRATION THAT IS SO HELL BENT ON BEING SO RELIGIOUSLY FAITH BASED? Aren't so many of these lawmakers touting how categorically Christian-like they expect the entire country to live? And, if we don't... we're banned to hell forever??
Man... this holier than thou crap just irks me. Again, not so much because I don't get it that life takes people on crazy ass twists and turns. But MUCH MORE because I keep finding out that it's these exact people, who are judging every OTHER person who has made a disapproving choice, yet who themselves turn out to be sheer scum.Who made THESE people judge and jury, anyway? ESPECIALLY since they see no connection between good for goose - good for gander. I can't beLIEVE these idiots are so damn strict for their constituents, but bingo... need to hurry up and vote, because Babs or Toots are somewhere, waiting. Except in Fossella's case... his girlfriend AND his secret child were waiting.
Anyway, I just ask that our congressmen STOP DOING CRAP that they THEMSELVES are so damn ready to blast others about. And, for God sakes... STOP BEING SO F-ING IMMORAL behind everyone's back, too. By the way, I don't care what anybody says... Senator Craig definitely had some kind of come on thing going on in that infamous bathroom stall. To me, the only contact one needs to make while in an airport bathroom is: Uh... can you please pass me some toilet tissue? Bingo. Conversation over. As for Mark Foley, don't even get me started.
Anyway, I was taking a break before I headed out to the garage, to finish some work. I figured I'd just log on and check email... and whammo! I'm hit with yet ANOTHER lawmaker bringing on personal chaos. I just couldn't control myself from venting... thus, this entry. Whew. Okay... I think I'm back on track now. I came. I vented. I'm done.
Anyway, I just ask that our congressmen STOP DOING CRAP that they THEMSELVES are so damn ready to blast others about. And, for God sakes... STOP BEING SO F-ING IMMORAL behind everyone's back, too. By the way, I don't care what anybody says... Senator Craig definitely had some kind of come on thing going on in that infamous bathroom stall. To me, the only contact one needs to make while in an airport bathroom is: Uh... can you please pass me some toilet tissue? Bingo. Conversation over. As for Mark Foley, don't even get me started.
Anyway, I was taking a break before I headed out to the garage, to finish some work. I figured I'd just log on and check email... and whammo! I'm hit with yet ANOTHER lawmaker bringing on personal chaos. I just couldn't control myself from venting... thus, this entry. Whew. Okay... I think I'm back on track now. I came. I vented. I'm done.
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