All day yesterday, the day before Sonny Boy is ready to return to school, he was complaining about having to continously go to the bathroom, and having a funny feeling in his abdomen. Being the medical expert on All Things Treatable, I asked about his symptoms, etc. According to the Linda school of Medicine, I determined he must be courting a urinary infection. At which point I gave him an antibiotic specifically FOR this problem. Within hours you're supposed to feel a hell of a lot better.
Except many hours later, he didn't. Uh... could it be my medical training is slipping just a bit? EEKS. Well, at least I know to approach the higher ups, when needed. As in: see a REAL medical specialist, when all else fails. Hence, a couple hours after dinner, I suggested we high tail it to the emergency room to have a urine test taken so we can determine exactly what's going on. After all, I DO want to send my most loved human being back to school feeling in tip top shape. Enter: Emergency Room.
Geez... Now THERE'S a wait, if ever there was. I shan't get bogged down here in details, though trust me... I could give you an ear full up the kazoo. We DID learn something interesting, however. Don't EVER tell them you're kinda okay. Always tell the receptionist... OH MY GOD. THIS IS THE WORST PAIN I'VE EVER HAD. I NEED TO SEE THE DOC LICKETY SPLIT. Because if you don't... you'll wait... uh... like an hour and half to actually be seen. Sort of like we did. Anyway... the real story here is: also, don't believe everything the doctor's tell you. If you do, you might be misdiagnosed.
Reason? Because, get this... after speaking to us, getting the low down on everything, etc., etc., the doctor in fact, took a urine test. And although it DID prove negative for an infection, he was going to treat him for one, anyway, given the possibility. TIME OUT... HOLD ON, HERE. WAIT JUST A MINUTE, Mr. Emergency Room Doctor. If it's negative, then to ME that means something ELSE is amiss. Bottom Line: DO A CT SCAN!
Bingo. We had one done and... sitting down? No urinary infection, after all! DIVERTICULITIS instead! Oh my God. SO NOT A HAPPY THING. I should know. I've had these attacks which actually, even lead to some major surgery a while back. Okay... so we're dealing with a whole DIFFERENT problem, I see. Damnit. But, as the ole saying goes, all's well that ends well.
My child was diagnosed. Got his meds. He's feeling better. And he's headed back to Florida, as we speak. I, of course am sitting here, fingers crossed that he arrives there as healthy as he was when he arrived here. Afterall, I want my baby to be perfect on Mother's Day.
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