Anyway, I have to spend hours every other day, doing this watering job and boy. Do I ever hate it! It's hot. I'm tired. It takes forever... blah, blah, blah. Most of all, I stand there doing this crapola job, PRAYING it would rain. And I'm not praying for a sprinkle, either. I'm praying for a DOWNPOUR. How could we go three damn months with NO rain whatsoever??
Oops. Guess what. I got rain! A lot of it, too. Uh.... like maybe TOO much rain?? Oh my God... its been basically 24 hours of straight rain and now I'm actually worried! The roots are going to be way too soaked and rot?? EEEEKS. Say it ain't so.
God answered my prayers beginning just after lunch, yesterday. I loved the first hour of his taking over the watering bit. I even loved the second hour. But by the FIFTH?? Lord, I must have looked out the window a zillion times, checking to see which plants, if any, were in major overflow mode. It's been a day now, that the rains have been falling, and I can't even imagine how long this is going to go on. It better stop soon, though... my lawn guy will be here tomorrow to mow and I don't want the grass SO wet, it won't even cut. Already, I can see where the saying WHEN IT RAINS, IT POURS, comes from.
What kills me most, however is that you never ever REALLY know when the forecasters are or are not going to be correct. Half the time they forecast possible thunderstorms, and bingo. NOTHING HAPPENS. Then, they tell me possible showers and the next thing I know, its raining for a full damn day. Uh... you think that's why they call it a PREDICTION?
I guess I shouldn't complain, though. I COULD be living, God forbid, in those area where the tornadoes are ripping entire cities apart on like a daily basis. Huh?? Who would even LIVE there, anyway?? Whoa... now, there's a weather story! But, alas, for another day, I'm afraid. For today, I'm grabbing my weather gauge and checking the rainfall. Uh... up to five inches, so far.